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Saving for college 2000-03-01
Andrew Kunz pose la question :
SAVING FOR COLLEGE In this project, you will forecast a friend's finances. Jane has received $75 from her grandparents on every birthday since she was one year old. She has been saving the money in an account that pays 5% interest. She is saving her money to help you pay for her college education, which she will start this fall after her 18th birthday. She also has been receiving birthday checks from her other relatives, but these didn't start until she was 12 years old. The amounts of these checks from her 12th birthday until her 18th birthday are $45, $45, $55, $50, $55, $60, $65.

How much money will she have saved just from her birthdays by the time she starts college? IS this a reasonable amount to pay for a used car during her junior year in college? If she had invested her money in a different accoutn that had earned 7% interest, how much more money would she have saved?

Penny Nom lui répond.



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