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sales tax

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8 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
A sales tax of 7% 2016-12-07
Kenneth pose la question :

If a sales tax of 7% is placed on every $1.00 of merchandise for sale, is it correct to indicate the tax as 7%/ per $1.00 or 7%/$1.00? If the calculation is expressed as 7%/$1.00 X $5.00, the tax is not $0.35 but 0.35. Is a tax rate of 7% incorrectly represented as 7%/$1.00 since the dollar unit cancels from the multiplication?

I thank you for your reply.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Sales tax 2015-05-05
Adalyn pose la question :
Hello i've been having some trouble with math, The question is asking for a GST and a PST of a 30.00 dollar shirt. I don't know how to find the GST or the PST please help
Penny Nom lui répond.
The cost before the sales tax 2014-04-13
Juanda pose la question :

I know the customer cost with tax and I know the sales tax.
How do I find out the customer cost prior to the added sales tax?

Thank you

Penny Nom lui répond.
GST and PST 2013-07-22
Bev pose la question :
Total sales revenues are 116391.38 this amount includes 5% GST and 80% of this amount includes a 7% provincial tax. The other 20% is PST exempt. GST is included in all. How do I figure the PST I owe?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Calculating sales taxes 2007-07-11
Tonya pose la question :
Hi, Im having trouble calculating GST and PST I know that in this province, GST is 6% and PST is 7%, I have a total of $275, and GST is 0.06, and PST is 0.07, so do I add those two and multiply them by the total, $275?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Reverse pecentage 2005-03-01
Nathan pose la question :
Question for you. If I have spent $10.00, what is the mathamatical equation to
figure out what the G.S.T (7%) was?

Also if I were to spend $80.00 on a hotel, and I would like to know how much
G.S.T (7%) and how much provincial tax (6%) I spent how would I go about this.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Sales before tax 2005-02-09
Lynda pose la question :
I know my total sales for the month, which includes sales tax. How do I get to the sales dollars before the sales tax?
Penny Nom lui répond.
pst and gst 2003-06-24
Robin pose la question :
I need to find an easy solution to remembering how to calculated the gst and pst once I have the total amount. ex: my total is $154.40, I have to find the gst and then the pst. I live in bc so the taxes are 7% for gst and 7.5% for pst.
Penny Nom lui répond.



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