11 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
Factorise 15x + 15y |
2014-11-20 |
Jordan pose la question : hi i saw a question in class today that i didn't understand and i didn't really understand what my teacher was going on about so how do you factorise 15x + 15y Robert Dawson and Penny Nom lui répond. |
Difference of squares |
2012-11-19 |
Qelibar pose la question : Please factorise x^2y^2 - 4 Penny Nom lui répond. |
Factor (6a^2-5a+1)(8a^2-6a+1)(12a^2-7a+1) |
2012-11-16 |
bailey pose la question : Factorise f(a)=(6a^2-5a+1)(8a^2-6a+1)(12a^2-7a+1)
thus find [f(a)]^1/2 Penny Nom lui répond. |
Stairs for the new community center, part 2 |
2012-11-13 |
Emily pose la question : Plans for a set of stairs for the front of a new community center use the ratio of rise to run of 2 units to 5 units.
B. Sketch a set of stairs that meets the rise-to-run ratio of 2 units to 5 units. Penny Nom lui répond. |
How can I trisect an angle? |
2009-07-27 |
Nazrul pose la question : How can I trisect an angle? Robert Dawson lui répond. |
One vertex angle of a regular octagon is trisected |
2009-02-19 |
Chelsy pose la question : Suppose one vertex angle of a regular octagon is trisected as shown in the figure. Each side of the octagon measures 4 units. Find the area of the shaded area. Robert Dawson lui répond. |
The rise over the run |
2008-10-07 |
Mak pose la question : what is the ratio of the rise to run? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Speed of sunrise |
2007-09-04 |
Robert pose la question : Facing west in a car, you are watching the sun rise (through the rear view mirror). It peaks the horizon, you take off driving. How fast would you have to drive, to see it rise again? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Common factors |
2007-08-19 |
John pose la question : I have problem factorising 2p^3 - 34p. Please advise me. Leeanne Boehm, Steve La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond. |
Trisecting an arbitrary angle |
2004-04-06 |
Joe pose la question : Where can I submit my effort on trisecting an arbitrary angle with only a straightedge and a compass? I can do it but I do not have the smarts to prove it.S Chris Fisher lui répond. |
The percentage grade of that hill |
2002-11-05 |
Cathy pose la question : If there is an 80ft climb over a kilometer(about 3280ft) what is the percentage grade of that hill? Penny Nom lui répond. |