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Centrale des maths - centraledesmaths.uregina.ca
Dilemmes & doutes
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3 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
Repeating a medication 2011-12-02
ivan pose la question :
One person received the recommendation of a doctor taking the drug "Passaneura" every 10 hours. After a few days, noted that the time you should take the medication had not been repeated once. How many days since the first dose, will have to pass the time until recur
Penny Nom lui répond.
Number Combinations 2008-08-01
cary pose la question :
I need a list of all possible 5 digit number combinations from 1 to 20 and no repeats. and a formula of how to calculate this would also be helpful?
Janice Cotcher lui répond.
The repetition of doing many straight forward problems 2002-10-16
Dan pose la question :
I am the father of a very bright 9 year old girl. She is very interested in math and she grasps concepts very quickly. I am concerned that she may become bored with the repetition of doing many straight forward problems. Her current math teacher has her working in a challenging math book and she is doing 3+ digit multiplication. She misses 2 or 3 out of ten of these problems due to simple addition errors. Should she continue to practice these problems until she can get them all correct? Or, should she move on?
Kathy Nolan and Claude Tardif lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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