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2 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
A man sells a refrigerator for $171 2006-02-20
Skye pose la question :
A man sells a refrigerator for $171, gaining on the sale as many percent (based on the cost) as the refrigerator cost, C, in dollars. Find C.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
"cubic feet" of a refrigerator 2003-07-16
Ron pose la question :

Is the volume of a home appliance (e.g. fridge or freezer) calculated in a different way? I am planning to replace both my fridge and my freezer but I'm unable to determine what size replacement to get.

For example, one company descibes their fridge as being 32"(L) x 30"(W) x 66" (H). I converted those measurements to feet (2.67 x 2.5 x 5.5) and I calculate the fridge to be 36.7 cubic feet. However, the company says the fridge is 18 cf.

Chris Fisher lui répond.



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