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rectangular box

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4 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
What are the dimensions of the box? 2010-04-13
Steven pose la question :
The longest rod that will just fit inside a rectangular box, if placed diagonally top to bottom, is 17 inches. The box is 1 inch shorter and 3 inches longer than it is wide. How much must you cut off the rod so that it will lie flat in the bottom of the container? What are the dimensions of the box?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
The surface area of the rectangular solid 2007-12-30
Sara pose la question :
For my math homework i found the volume of a rectangular solid whose deminsions were in feet and the numbers were 10 by 20 by 30
10 = hight
20 = short side base
30 = long side base
and now i have to find the surface area of the rectangular solid....
i know how to do this but i can't get the right answer it should be 2,200 ft squared but i keep getting 13,00 feet squared

Penny Nom lui répond.
What is the name of a 3D rectangle? 2004-06-07
Jack pose la question :
if a cube is a 3D square, what is the name of a 3D rectangle?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Three dimensional rectangle 2000-01-11
Dennis Murphy pose la question :
I would like to find out the name of a Three dimensional rectangle.
Harley Weston lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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