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Centrale des maths - centraledesmaths.uregina.ca
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2 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
Real-life applications of trigonometry 2011-04-10
Angela pose la question :
I am a teacher and I desire to show the students the real-life application of trigonometry. Of course, one application is to use a clinometer and find the heights of various things. However, I am trying to provide a real-life scenario which also answers the question "why" the height of the object needs to be found. Not being an engineer, I do not know the specifics examples, but I want my information to be accurate and my example to to be as real-life as possible. I mean, I can say that someone wants to know the height of a flagpole; however, I also want to answer the question "why" they want to know this. I would like to give an actual real-life scenario. Do you know of some? Thanks!
Penny Nom lui répond.
Pythagoras in everyday life 2004-10-13
Tiffany pose la question :
I was wondering if you have any real-life uses of the pythagorean theorem that you use in your everyday life.
Penny Nom lui répond.



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