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radioactive decay

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2 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
Half life 2008-09-29
aisyah pose la question :
if dA/dt = kA and A(0) = A as the model for the decay of a radioactive substance, how can show that in general, the half life T of substance is T = -(In 2)/k
Harley Weston lui répond.
Radioactive decay 2000-05-18
Catherine Sullivan pose la question :
Please help me with the following: The radioactive isotope carbon-14 is present in small quantities in all life forms, and it is constantly replenished until the organism dies, after which it decays to carbon-12 at a rate proportional to the amount of C-14 present, with a half life of 5730 years. Suppose C(t) is the amount of C-14 at time t.
  1. Find the value of the constant k in the differential equation: C'=-kC
  2. In 1988 3 teams of scientists found that the Shroud of Turin, which was reputed to be the burial cloth of Jesus, contained 91% of the amount of C-14 contained in freshly made cloth of the same material. How old is the Shroud according to the data?

Harley Weston lui répond.



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