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probability and investment

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Probability and investment 2002-05-19
Bally pose la question :
Investors do not invest all their money in the investment predicted to be the best beuause it is too risky. an investor holds shares in three independent cmpanies. company A, Company B, compnay C. an analyst predicts the probability of profit increases for each company as follows. Company A:0.70 Compamy B:0.50 Compnay C:0.65

(a) If the analyst's predictions are true, what is the probability that all three comapanies show a profit incresse?

ANSWER: I try using vin diagram but it did'nt work, I dont know any other ways to solve this question

(b) if the analyst's predictions are true, what is the probability that at least one comany shows a profit increase?

Andrei Volodin lui répond.



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