6 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
A hockey roster of 19 kids |
2015-09-21 |
Brian pose la question : We have a hockey roster of 19 kids. We only want to play 15 kids for each game. 4 players will not play each game. There are 16 games total. We want to rotate who doesn't play evenly. Can this be done? How many games will each player sit during the season? Robert Dawson and Victoria West lui répond. |
Two teams of 4 playing 4 rounds of golf |
2013-09-29 |
Tom pose la question : We would like to play a ryder cup format with two teams of 4 playing 4 rounds of golf. Three of the rounds would be pairs playing each other and one round would be singles. How can we set up the foursomes so we balance the number of times we play with every other golfer. Victoria West lui répond. |
A golf league with 2 man teams |
2012-04-11 |
Cosmo pose la question : wanting to set up a golf league with 2 man teams. There are 14 A players and 14 B players.We want each A player to team with each B player once and each A player to play against each other A player once.Is this possible Victoria West lui répond. |
A golf league with 12 players |
2009-07-17 |
Jane pose la question : My weekly golf league has 12 players in 4 threesomes.
How many weeks would it take to play everyone once and not have too many
duplications? What would be the schedule each week?
Thanks Victoria West lui répond. |
A ten player schedule |
2009-02-19 |
john pose la question : I HAVE 10 PLAYERS ONE GAME PER NITE FOR 10 WEEKS
THANK YOU Victoria West lui répond. |
Selecting some players |
1999-11-20 |
Korbin Brown pose la question : Roger Craig, during his term as team manager of the San Francisco Giants, received a strange communication from the team general manager, Al Rosen. Mr. Rosen told him to select 25 players according to this formula: 1/2 of the team had to be outfielders and infielders 1/4 of the team had to be starting pitchers 1/6 of the team had to be relief pitchers 1/8 of the team had to be catchers Roger was a bit confused by Al's request, yet complied anyway. How did he do it? Claude Tardif lui répond. |