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perpendicular bisector

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4 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
Proving a quadrilateral is a rhombus 2007-12-03
Jeanie pose la question :
How do you prove that a quadrilateral is a rhombus because the diagonals of the quadrilateral are perpendicular and bisect each other using the 2-column proof method?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Equation of a circle circumscribing a triangle with given vertices 2007-10-01
Randy pose la question :
How do I determine the equation of a circle when it is circumscribed by a triangle whose vertices are (-1, 6), (3, -2), and (2, 5)?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Collinear Points 2003-01-13
Gary pose la question :

Which of the 4 points are collinear when you construct the following concurrent lines or rays of a triangle?

  1. P(1), the point where the angle bisectors intersect.
  2. P(2), the point where the altitudes (or extensions) intersect (inside or outside of the triangle).
  3. P(3), the point where the medians intersect.
  4. P(4), the point where the perpendicular bisectors (or extensions) of the three sides of a triangle intersect.

This is for my 9-12 high school class in geometry.
My name is Gary

Thanks for your help.

Harley Weston and Chris Fisher lui répond.
Concurrent Lines in a Triangle 1998-08-10
Chris Woolf pose la question :
The question is Name four types of concurrent lines, rays, or segments that are associated with triangles.
Chris Fisher lui répond.



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