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perimeter of a rectangle

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6 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
Two expressions for the perimeter of a a rectangle 2018-05-13
Slayde pose la question :
A rectangular house has one side 4 metres longer than the other. Create two different expressions for its perimeter. The expressions should be given in factorised and expanded form.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The dimensions of a rectangle 2018-03-03
Mia pose la question :
A wire of length 36cm is bent to form a rectangle. Find the dimensions of the rectangle.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The dimensions of a rectangle 2016-08-31
Hazym pose la question :
How do I find the length(which is 15m longer than the breadth) and the breadth of a rectangle just by its perimeter which is 70 m?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The perimeter of a rectangle 2016-03-17
Linda pose la question :
Noel correctly adds the length of three sides of a rectangle and gets 88 cm her brother Ryan correctly adds the lengths of three sides of the same rectangle and gets 80cm. What is the number of cm in the perimeter of the rectangle
Penny Nom lui répond.
The perimeter of a rectangle 2015-05-28
Imran pose la question :
The length of a rectangle is x+3 centimetres.
The width of the rectangle is x-1 centimetres.

Find an expression in terms of x for the perimeter of the rectangle.
The perimeter of a rectangle The perimeter of a rectangle
Give your expressions in it's simplest form.
The perimeter of a rectangle The perimeter of a rectangle
Thank You.

Penny Nom lui répond.
The perimeter of a rectangle 2013-10-24
sana pose la question :
if the length is given 70 m and the breadth is given as 40 m find the perimeter of the rectangle
Penny Nom lui répond.



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