34 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
How to calculate percentage change |
2007-08-03 |
Galland pose la question : I am working on graphs and I need to find the percentage of increase from one figure to another. How do I do that? For instance staff hours for 2006 were 28011 and for 2007 were 31230. How do I find the percentage of increase? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Percentage change in refractive error |
2019-04-04 |
Ammara pose la question : Hi, I'm trying to figure out how a paper I'm looking at has found a percentage from the numbers below. its a paper comparing two lenses. it says that the new lenses 'slowed the progression of refractive error by approximately 50%'.
the refractive error with the old lenses was -2.26 after two years it was -3.28
the refractive error with the new lenses was -2.24 after two years the refractive error is - 2.75
Thank you so much for your help it is most appreciated! Penny Nom lui répond. |
Percentage change in productivity |
2017-03-15 |
Sunni pose la question : I'm working on a graph and I need to find the percentage of increase from one figure to another. How do I do that? For instance our department started with a workload of 1773 in Jan and ended with 341 in Dec. In addition to that we received 2088 new items from Jan - Dec with an average of 5 workers. How do I find the percentage of increased productivity if any? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Percentage change |
2015-01-14 |
Jim pose la question : When using a scale e.g. 0-10, what is the formula for calculating percentage change. For example when someone answers a questionnaire where a question has a 0-10 scale, and they score a 4 first time, and then they answer the same questionnaire a different day, and they score an 8, how do I calculate the percentage change. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Percentage change |
2014-05-09 |
hi pose la question : the hw club had 46 members in sept. in april, the
club had 24 members. what was the percent of change in the hw club's membership from sept. to apan increase or decrease in membership?
ril? what is Penny Nom lui répond. |
Percent change in sales |
2013-06-04 |
Sui pose la question : Hi,
I would like to ask your favor for reviewing the following percent change in sales calculation, did I do it right? I am surprise/wondering with the big amount of the percentage result. Your assistance and guidance would be highly appreciate.
Sales for month of August 2000: 5,198,750 IDR
Sales for month of October 2000: 62,291,700 IDR
Difference = 62,291,700 IDR - 5,198,750 IDR = 57,092,950 IDR
Percentage change = 57,092,950 IDR : 5,198,750 IDR = 10.98 X 100 = 1,098%
Sales for month of February 2008: 1,664,800 IDR
Sales for month of August 2008: 161,715,307 IDR
Difference = 161,715,307 IDR - 1,664,800 IDR = 160,050,507 IDR
Percentage change = 160,050,507 : 1,664,800 = 96.14 X 100 = 9,614%
Thanking you,
Sui Penny Nom lui répond. |
Inverting fractions and percentage |
2013-05-18 |
Carlos pose la question : If I calculate the percentage change between two fractions, say,
1/100 and 2/100, I get 100% change. Now, if I flip denominator
and numerator, 100/1 and 100/2, and repeat the calculation, I
get a 50% change. Why are the percentages different?
Thank you very much Penny Nom lui répond. |
Increasing and decreasing sales |
2013-03-06 |
Meghan pose la question : Pace Design's sales increased by 30% in the first year, increased by 60% in the second year, decreased by 60% in the third year and increased by 90% in the fourth year. What was the cumulative change in sales over the 4 years? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Percentage change |
2012-04-19 |
Christine pose la question : For my intermediate macroeconomics class, there is a question about percent change.
The numbers are:
Quantities of oranges in 2010: 104
Quantities of oranges in 2009: 100
How would I calculate to find the percentage change in quantities? Penny Nom lui répond. |
A comparative report |
2010-05-27 |
jo pose la question :
Question from jo:
I have a comparative report and I was confused about how to get the percentage of the current 1st quarter vs. last year 1st quarter, vs. last year of the same month. I hope you could help me, thank you.
Example: Food sales: 3Day Sale Event
TY: 1,352,293.58 May (Back to School)
LY: 1,205,614.31 April (Summer Sale)
LY: 1,065,693.40 May 2009 Penny Nom lui répond. |
Percentage price change |
2009-08-27 |
alicia pose la question : what is the percentage price change between R66-R10 if the answer between the two is R56 Penny Nom lui répond. |
Percentage decrease |
2009-08-04 |
Bill pose la question : How to calculate the Percentage Increase or Decrease of a $ value.
Example -
Site Spend for 01-01-2008 thru 07-31-08 was $ 3,465,660
Site Spend, 2009 YTD as of 07-31-09, was $ 1,673,405
Site Spend down what % between these two amounts ? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Percent improvement |
2008-06-12 |
IS NOW 1961 WHAT IS PERCENT OF IMPROVEMENT Penny Nom lui répond. |
Percentage change |
2007-12-19 |
Aaron pose la question : I understand how figure percent of change and I can figure it on a calculator but if I have to do it without I'm not sure how to divide when the original amount is larger than the amount of change. For example, the decreased amount is 5.00 on 29.99, what would the percent be. Like I said I can do it on a calculator but need to know how to figure it without one. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Percent change between two value ranges |
2007-11-28 |
Joe pose la question : How do you calculate a percent change between tow value ranges - for instance if I project a range for 2007 to be between 100 and 120 and a range for 2008 to be between 120 and 140, how do I calculate the estimated increase between the range? Is it 0% to 40% (taking the two inside values rto calculate the minimum and the two outside values rto calculate the maximum?) Harley Weston lui répond. |
Percentage change |
2007-08-21 |
Saleena pose la question : Hiya, my name is Saleena and I'm studying business at college. My question for you is what is the percentage change of turnover of the following supermarket.
Turnover (Millions) - ASDA
2001 -10,732
2002 -12,188
2003 -13,326
2004 - 14,318
2005 -14,865 Penny Nom lui répond. |
Percentage change |
2007-08-19 |
nona pose la question : If inputs increase by 30% and outputs increase by 15%, what is the percentage change in productivity? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Percentage change |
2007-08-13 |
Karen pose la question : I need a formula for calculating percentages in Excel. For example, we =
sold 4 units of an item one month, and 105 units the next. I need a =
formula to calculate the percentage increase in sales units. Also, if =
5251 were sold one month and 651 the next, what is the formula for =
calculating the percentage difference? Please help, thank you. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Buying and selling apples |
2007-08-03 |
Priya pose la question : Gorang bought 60 Kg of apples at Rs 48 per Kg. He sold 70% of the apples at Rs 60 per Kg and the remaining apples at Rs 35 per Kg.Find Gorang's gain or loss percent on the whole transaction. Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Percent change over multiple periods of time |
2007-06-07 |
Eric pose la question : I am trying to show the percent change over multiple periods of time.
Is there a formula for the percent change over multiple periods or will I have to calculate the percent change for each previous period versus the year prior? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Percent difference |
2007-05-17 |
Carolyn pose la question : What is the % difference between these two numbers 211373 & 185420 Gabriel Potter, Penny Nom and Steve La Rocque lui répond. |
Percentage change |
2007-05-01 |
katie pose la question : i no many people have asked about this but im still unsure what is percentage change i have my ks3 tomoro so please reply asap thankz Penny Nom lui répond. |
(a-b)/b = c |
2007-04-27 |
Adam pose la question : What does
(a-b)/b = c
represent when c is a percentage? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Percentage differences |
2006-10-23 |
Michael pose la question : how do I calculate the percentage difference of a certain box size. for example. How much percent smaller is this box: 8.4mm x 6.3mm to this box: 9.35mm x 7mm Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Plotting percentage change |
2006-10-11 |
Beckie pose la question : I have worked out a set of percentage differences which are all percentage decrease. Should i express them as a negative percentage as -20%? I also need to plot them on a graph and am not sure whether to just use the percentage difference as it is, in which case i get a positive gradient, or include a negative axis and plot them in this way, in which case i would get a negative gradient. I think the slope of the curve will be the same either way so it might not matter! Penny lui répond. |
Percentage weight change |
2006-01-24 |
Abdul pose la question : what is the percent change if a person's weight changed over 3 years:
year 1995 1997 1998 %change(1995-1998)
weight 63kg 67kg 73kg ......... Penny Nom lui répond. |
Percentage change when you start from zero |
2006-01-02 |
Joseph pose la question : I am not sure if my meaning for calculation for a percent change (C-P/P)x100) is correct. In this case, C=10, P=0, does this mean 100 percent increase from previous period? Harley Weston lui répond. |
Percent change |
2005-12-17 |
Marie pose la question : What is the percentage change when 1500 becomes 2000? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Is this percentage change or percentage increase? |
2005-08-15 |
Betty pose la question : When calculating a percentage, if the formula is
A(new) - B(old)/A(new)
Is this percentage change or percentage increase? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Percentage change |
2004-08-30 |
Lauren pose la question : if egg A weighed 55.4g and after 2 days it weighed 60.9g how could i calculate the percentage change in weight? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Percentage change in completion rate |
2003-02-21 |
Remo pose la question : In the year 2000 300 out of a possible 600 completed a phone survey for a total of 50% completion rate. In the year 2001 20 out of 100 possible people completed the survey when it was re-done. This is a completion rate of 20% To figure out the percentage change between the years can just use the difference between the percentage figures I already have? Or can I calculate it the same as you would for non-percentage numbers. For example you gave an example here of a salary increase from $20 to $95 being an increase of 375%. Would I solve my problem the same way expect substituting my percentages (.5 and .2) in place of $20 and $95? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Averages of Averages |
2002-12-21 |
Amy pose la question : If in the month of October the % of Payments Received was 80.74% and in November it decreased to 69.36%. Can you take the 80.74-69.36/69.36 to get the % of difference. In otherwords can you take the % of difference when the numbers you are comparing are %'s???? Can you also take an average of an average? For example, average number of payments received in October was 25.00%, average number of payments received November was 50.00%, and the average number of payments received in December was 15.00%. Do you average (25.00%, 50.00% and 15.00%) or do you have to go back to the numbers that calculated the averages. For example, October 25.00% was based on 25 payments being received out of a possible 100. So instead of taking the average of the averages, do you take the average payments and the average customers over the 3 months and calculate the average??? Harley Weston lui répond. |
Percentage change |
1999-12-08 |
Michael Weinberg pose la question : I am the Laboratory information system supervisor in a hospital. Our computer system calculates the change of specific results to monitor a patient's status. But there is a problem with the calculation in the base code of the program. If one day the patient has a Blood count of 100 (P for Previous) then the next day the Blood count is 75 (C for current), the computer should calculate the change as -25% using the calculation |P-C|/P= D (D for Delta) and then check for positive or negative by the equation If P>C then D*-1 or If P The program is calculating using the equation: ((P/C)-1)*100 in the above situation this would calculate the Delta as 33.33333% Referenced in a Laboratory manual published before computers were used to calculate the delta changes. . . . Penny Nom lui répond. |
Percentage increase |
1999-10-03 |
Ann Allen pose la question : I am a a student in the 12th grade. I need to know how to calclulate the following: A percentage increase from 2.0% to 9.5% is what percentage? Harley Weston lui répond. |