17 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
Pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters |
2019-05-09 |
william pose la question : Ann has 177 coins (pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters)
Her total value is $19.90
She has the same number of nickels as dimes.
She has the same number of quarters as dimes.
How many of each does she have? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Double the number of pennies each week |
2019-02-28 |
Donald pose la question : If I save a penny a week,double it every week,How many weeks will it take to reach 1,000,000 dollars Penny Nom lui répond. |
Dimes and pennies |
2016-04-26 |
Renae pose la question : Charity has 42 more pennies than dimes. Hope has 7 times as many pennies than dimes. Hope and Charity have the same number of dimes. Together they have $5.46. How many dimes and pennies do each have? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Pennies and dimes |
2009-11-11 |
Rachel pose la question : Kesha had only pennies and dimes in her change purse. When she counted out her change she had 64 cents/ of she had 6 times as many pennies as she did dimes, how many pennies did she have? Write equation and solve it.
Can someone help me with this? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Pennies, nickels and dimes |
2009-09-22 |
Kiadadh pose la question : Show 12 ways to come up with 28 cents using only pennies, nickles and dimes Robert Dawson lui répond. |
Bags of pennies |
2008-10-11 |
paul pose la question : jenny divided 15 pennies among 4 money bags.she could then pay any amount from 1p to 15p just by giving bags.how many pennies did jenny put in each bag? Penny Nom and Victoria West lui répond. |
A jar of pennies |
2008-06-18 |
Ryan pose la question : if you are given a jar of pennies and you had to find the weight of one penny
without opening the jar.when you graph it, You have to y= the mass of the container and x= number of coins
you use the slope to find the weight of the penny how would u go about doing that? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Double one penny for 30 days |
2008-06-11 |
kerwin pose la question : one penny doubled for 30 days what is the answer? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Chris has twice as many $1 bills as pennies |
2007-11-02 |
vicky pose la question : Chris has twice as many $1 bills as pennies, twice as many dimes as he has $10 bills, and twice as many pennies as he has dimes. How much money does he have? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Doubling every day |
2007-10-07 |
Jerrie pose la question : Patti saved pennies for 10 days. The first day she saved 1 cent. Every day after that she saved twice as much as the day before. How much money did Patti save altogether? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
How many pennies will a half gallon bottle hold? |
2007-08-11 |
Harold pose la question : How many pennies will a half gallon bottle hold Penny Nom lui répond. |
Bill has four more dimes than nickels ... |
2006-11-05 |
Allison pose la question : bill has four more dimes than nickels, and seven fewer nickels than pennies.he has a total of $3.35. how many of each kind of coin has he? Karen McIver lui répond. |
$10.00 worth of pennies |
2006-08-30 |
Amelia pose la question : IF YOU MADE A LINE WITH $10.00 WORTH OF PENNIES, HOW LONG WOULD THE LINE BE? Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond. |
An array of pennies by year |
2005-12-29 |
Sheila pose la question : What is an array? How do you create an array using 100 pennies by years? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Arrays of pennies |
2004-01-17 |
Kathleen pose la question : How do I create an array of 100 pennies? Penny Nom lui répond. |
An array of pennies |
2003-05-23 |
Saundra pose la question : If you have 100 pennies and you are suppose to make an array do you arrange the pennies by date? Penny Nom lui répond. |
A coin problem |
1996-04-16 |
Julie Hebert and Simon Hamel pose la question : How many weighings would you need to find out which pile is fraudulent? Penny Nom lui répond. |