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parametric equations

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8 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
Dropping supplies from an airplane 2013-02-14
Claire pose la question :
An airplane flying at an altitude of 3500 feet is dropping supplies to researchers on an island. The path of the plane is parallel to the ground at the time the supplies are released and the plane is traveling at a speed of 300 mph.
a) write the parametric equations that represent the path of the supplies
c)How long will it take for the supplies to reach the ground?
d) how far will the supplies travel horizontally before they land?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Parametric equations 2 2012-02-25
Kathy pose la question :
If the angle at time 0 is not 45 degrees how can you find the initial velocity? Ball thrown from height of 7 feet. Caught by receiver at height of 4 feet after traveling 90 feet down the field. Find initial velocity. You had a similar problem answered but the angle was 45 degrees so the cos and sin were equal and the equations were simpler to work with. Thank you!
Harley Weston lui répond.
Parametric equations 2008-03-05
kumi pose la question :
I have made a picture of a football pass 45 degrees with 30yds and height of 7ft and 4ft. But I am just stuck there. I have stared at the worksheet for soo long. I have no idea how to solve this, and I don't even know where this is going (I don't understand how parametric equations work). Can you help me with this problem?

1.The quarterback of a football team releases a pass at a height, h, of 7ft above the playing field, and the football is caught by a reciever at a height of 4ft, 30yds directly downfield. The pass is released at an angle of 45 degrees with the horizontal with an initial velocity of vo. The parametric equations for the position of the football at time t are given, in general, by x(t)=(vo cosθ)t and y=h+(vo sinθ)t-16t^2.

a. find the initial velocity of the football when it is released
b. write the specific set of parametric equations for the path of the football
c.use a graphing calculator to graph the path of the football and approximate its maximum height
d. find the time the reciever has to position himself after the quarterback releases the football

Harley Weston lui répond.
x=sint, y=cos2t 2008-01-14
Art pose la question :
How do i transform x=sint y=cos2t into a function in terms of x and y
Harley Weston lui répond.
A particle moves in the xy-plane 2007-11-12
Russell pose la question :
A particle moves in the xy-plane with

X = 2t^3 - 12t^2 + 18t

Y = 3t^4 - 28t^3 + 72t^2

find an equation of the line tangent to the given curve at t_0_ = 1

note: t_0_ is t subscript 0

Harley Weston lui répond.
Parametric equations 2007-08-22
will pose la question :
Graph and make a sketch of x = ysquared - 6y + 11 in parametric mode (hint: you need to come up with 2 parametric equations).

i have already figured out that the cartesian form of the parametrics will be y = +/- sqroot(x-2) + 3, but i do not know how to produce 2 parametric equations from this.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Parametric Equations 1999-08-06
Nicholas Lawton pose la question :
Show that an equation of the normal to the curve with parametric equations x=ct y=c/t t not equal to 0, at the point (cp, c/p) is :

Harley Weston lui répond.

The Left Side of a Parabola. 1998-10-20
Shay pose la question :
Find the parametrized equation for the left half of the parabola with the equation: Y=x^2-4x+3
Chris Fisher lui répond.



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