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4 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
The number of possible musical notes using an n-key instrument 2015-05-04
Farihin pose la question :
Lets say that i have keys, and each key is for notes of a musical instrument, So i wanted to find out the number of notes i can get for a certain number keys, of course in the form of an equation. Notes can use as many keys, it can use 1, or 2, or 3, or even 100.
Notes in real life is not as such, but ignore reality. I tried doing this but i can't seem to find a formula for it. For example, i have 4 keys, say A, B, C, and D. so, for notes that uses one key are 4, which is A, B, C, and D themselves. for notes that uses two keys are 6,
AB, AC, AD, BC, BD and CD.
for notes that uses three keys are 4,
lastly for notes that uses all four keys is 1, ABCD.
So, the total will be 4+6+4+1=15#

The nth term for the first equation is n, the second is [(n^2)-n]/2 the third and the fourth, i don't know but the final answer should be like,
n + [(n^2)-n]/2 + [3rd] + [4th]

Sorry for the long question though...

Penny Nom lui répond.
Mathematics and a musical dilemma 2011-01-19
rahul pose la question :
how is mathematics applied in entertainment?
Harley Weston lui répond.
Mathematics and Music 2002-11-01
Hannah pose la question :
I am looking for a science fair project to compare math and music and how they relate. If you have any project ideas for me, they would be greatly appreciated.
Walter Whiteley lui répond.
Musical Scales 2002-07-24
Terence pose la question :
Given that there are 12 notes in a musical octave, what is the maximum number of musical scales possible within that octave, if each scale has a minimum of 5 notes and a maximum of 9 and we start all the scales from the same note?

In case you don't know anything about music, a scale is a progression of notes where you start on a specific note and end on that same note an octave higher. There are twelve different notes between these two similar notes. Which notes you choose to play determine the sound of the scale. Anything less than five notes would not make for a very interesting scale. Anything more than nine and you would be playing almost 'every' note in the scale, not leaving much room for distinction in how you organize these notes.

I assume you first have to figure out the maximum number of variations possible in a 5-note scale (with 12 notes at your disposal). Then do the same for a 6-note scale, then a 7-note, then an 8-note, and so on. Then add up the results. How to find this maximum number of variations for each scale size though is what I don't know.

Leeanne Boehm lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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