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multiplication in base 5

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2 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
Multiplication in base five 2014-08-07
Alise pose la question :
Hi Maths Central!

I was wondering if you could help me with multiplying in base 5. I have read a question previously answered by you in regards to this but got fairly confused by it and was hoping you could help me with my question.

My question is: Multiply 1422 base 5 by 21 base 5 keeping these numbers and answer in base 5.

Would you also be able to explain how to get to the answer?


Penny Nom lui répond.
Base 5 arithmetic 2013-11-27
samuel pose la question :
Good day sir, please i don't understand when you say 4x4=13 in base five? In fact, am always having difficulties in addition, subtraction, division and multiplication of number in the same base other than base ten. Please can you give me one example each with details explainations?
Penny Nom lui répond.



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