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Centrale des maths - centraledesmaths.uregina.ca
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metric system

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7 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
How we convert cm to mm? 2013-09-08
Génesis pose la question :
How we convert cm to mm?
Penny Nom lui répond.
______cm=0.048km 2003-02-27
Antonette pose la question :
Penny Nom lui répond.
Millilitres and millimeters 2003-02-09
Iwan pose la question :
I was just wondering whether a millilitre was equal to a millimetre, if not, what is there difference.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Milliliters 2003-02-04
James pose la question :
What is a milliliter?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A million sheets of 30 cm long paper 2002-09-15
Jennifer pose la question :
if you put a million sheets of 30 cm long paper end to end, how many kilometer long would the paper be from begining to end?
Penny Nom lui répond.
History of a meter 2000-04-07
Jarod Fischer pose la question :
The length of a meter has been determined in three different ways. The first and original way was determined in 1798. The second way was determined in 1960. The third and current way was determined in 1983. What were the three ways and why were the first two abandoned?
Harley Weston lui répond.
Metric Conversion 1999-03-07
TDestra pose la question :
Please help to answer this question: Is a cubic centimeter equivalent to milligrams or milliliters, and how many? Also, is it a liquid measure?
Penny Nom lui répond.



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