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Actural cost, selling price and commission 2008-02-21
LiSa pose la question :
I have a question about a few things if anyone can answer... ex. actual cost (AC) = $1000 selling price (SP) = $ amount earned for company (C) = 15% of... selling price? commission 1 (C1) = 2.5% commission 2 (C2) = 2.5% How would you calculate how much the company's commission amount would be as well as the amounts for the other 2 that get 2.5%? And what would the selling price be? (the 15% $ + 2.5% $ + 2.5% $ ?) Is the 2.5% taken from the original amount? I am soooo confused! If anyone could help, that would be great!
Harley Weston lui répond.



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