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5 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
Infinite Logarithmic Series 2011-08-08
Sourik pose la question :
Dear Expert,

In my Amithabha Mitra and Shambhunath Ganguly's "A Text Book of Mathematics" I found the formula of log (1+x) where the base is e and x lies in between -1 and +1.As I want to learn Mathematics,I am not satisfied with the mere statement of the formula.Please help giving me the full proof.
Thanking you,

Robert Dawson lui répond.
A logarithmic equation 2010-09-08
Rohit pose la question :
x^2 + k*ln(x) - c - k = 0

Where k and c are constants.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Understanding log equations 2007-05-10
Sean pose la question :
The number, N, of people who have heard a rumor spread by mass media at time, t, in days is modelled by N (t) = a / 1+ be^ -kt. If 50 people have heard the rumour initially and 300,000 people hear the rumour eventually, find a and b. If the rumour is initially spreading at the rate of 500 people per day, find k.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Differentiation, powers and logs 2006-01-06
Claudia pose la question :

Question: how do I find the derivative of

x* ln(x+(e^2))^2



Penny Nom lui répond.
Logarithmic differentiation 2005-05-23
Richard pose la question :
I need to convince myself that I understand the process of differentiating y=xx.
The specific question is that if I have to take the logarithm of both sides of the equation how can differentiate the following?
y= {(x+2)(x+2)}/{(x+1)(x+1)} - {(x+1)(x+1)}/(xx),
I have an idea that the differential of this fairly complex function is itself ... am I right or wrong.

Penny Nom lui répond.



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