44 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
UFO speed in MPH from nearest galaxy in one year |
2021-05-22 |
Joe pose la question : If the next closest galaxy is 15 quadrillion miles away and there are 8760 hours
in one year; how fast would a UFO have to fly to travel from the next
galaxy, in MPH in one year ?
Google calculator gives this result: 1.7123288e+12
I don't understand what the "e+12" means.
How is that pronounced, ex. trillion, quadrillion etc..?
Harley lui répond. |
Why does the circle have a larger area? |
2019-09-16 |
A student pose la question : given a circle and square of same perimeter, why does the circle have a larger area
I’m looking for an intuitive explanation rather than a computational one. Thanks Harley Weston lui répond. |
The area and weight of sod |
2018-12-11 |
Susan pose la question : I have equipment that will cut sod 30 inches across and 75 Feet in length?
how much will this be in square foot age ? Yards? Approximate weight? Penny Nom lui répond. |
4444^4444 |
2017-12-10 |
Sashi pose la question : 4444 to power of 4444=?
Please share the result with simplification. Penny Nom lui répond. |
How to find last two or three digits of a large exponent like 17^256? |
2017-03-30 |
Raginee pose la question : How to find last two or three digits of a large exponent like 17^256? Penny Nom lui répond. |
The largest odd number using the digits 08672 |
2014-06-24 |
audrey pose la question : what is a 5 digit greatest odd number out of this given digits? 08672 Robert Dawson lui répond. |
What is the largest prime number? |
2010-11-20 |
vadali pose la question : what is the largest prime number? Penny Nom lui répond. |
The new diameter is 50 per cent larger than the original. |
2010-09-04 |
mahwish pose la question : . A circular logo is enlarged to fit the lid of a jar. The new diameter is 50 per cent larger than the original. By what percentage has the area of the logo increased? Tyler Wood lui répond. |
Numbers that can be formed using the digits 1,2,3,4,5,8,9 |
2010-07-19 |
Donessa pose la question : write the number that is 2000 more than the difference between the largest and the smallest
number that can be formed using the digits 1,2,3,4,5,8,9 Tyler Wood lui répond. |
11 trillion divided by 309,418,000 |
2010-06-05 |
Dion pose la question : I am struggling to calculate what 11 trillion divided by 309,418,000 is. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Weighing a 1000 lb cylinder on a 500 lb scale |
2010-05-28 |
Jerry pose la question : I am trying to weigh a large possibly 1000 lb cylinder on a 500 lb scale, is this possible? If so what is the actual formula to figure out the correct weight? I am told it is possible with the fulcrum method but have not been able to find a formula. Thanks Jerry Robert Dawson lui répond. |
0.999 ^ (500) |
2010-03-07 |
debra pose la question : I just need to know how to solve the following problem without using a calculator: .999 ^ (500). I know the answer is .606, I just want to do it by hand since I can't use a calculator on my test. Penny Nom and Claude Tardif lui répond. |
Bases larger than ten |
2009-12-14 |
Nick pose la question : For numbers in bases larger than ten, what are the digits by mathematicians' conventions?
I assume the first 10 are always 0-9. I know two computer science conventions (for hexadecimal (A-F case-insensitively) and for base 85 (case-sensitivity plus 23 other characters)) and as a school student I learned that base 12 uses either T and E (which confused me when I thought they stood for Eleven and Twelve) or A and B, the latter as capitals only. Clearly, these conventions are in conflict.
I saw your reply in http://mathcentral.uregina.ca/QQ/database/QQ.09.99/magin1.html as accessed a few minutes ago but hope that in the 10 years since then mathematicians have arrived at a convention. Have they?
Thank you.
Nick Claude Tardif lui répond. |
The layout of an arch |
2009-08-18 |
Steven pose la question : I am trying to layout a large radius between 2 points in a building and
need a formula to figure different senarios for example:
radius is 187'6"
distance between 2 points is 34'8"
need points 16" apart along the line between the 2 points to create the
please help Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Comparing 2^3^4^5 ; 2^5^4^3 ; 5^4^3^2 etc. |
2009-03-01 |
2^3^4^5 ; 2^5^4^3 ; 5^4^3^2 : ETC. OF ALL THE POSSIBLE
FORWARD AS FIRST APPEARS . THANK-YOU , JIM Stephen La Rocque, Robert Dawson and Harley Weston lui répond. |
Large exponents |
2009-02-12 |
Dan pose la question : I would like to know how to calculate a whole number as the base that
has a large exponent;Such as 7 to the 23rd.power=. Otherwise if I use a calculator
it goes off the scale. Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
The number of digits in a really big exponent |
2008-07-21 |
Pete pose la question : how would you find the number of digits in a really big exponent without a calculator? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Which is larger, 727464^512693 or 624610^518548? |
2008-05-18 |
Yahweh pose la question : Lets say I have two very large numbers in the form of a^b:
727464^512693 and 624610^518548
I want to calculate which number is larger, but its unreasonable to type these numbers into a spreadsheet to get an answer right away. How could I determine the larger or the two numbers efficiently? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Exponential form: x^y |
2007-06-22 |
Kishor pose la question : whats the easy way to calculate X raised to Y where y is much greater than x. Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
What is the highest known numerical value? |
2007-05-29 |
Peg pose la question : What is the highest known numerical value? Gabriel Potter lui répond. |
Large exponents |
2007-02-09 |
Nick pose la question : I am trying to figure out an extremely large number. It relates to the estimated number of bacterial divisions in 12775 generations of bacteria. The problem I need to solve is: 2^12775 or 2 to the power of 12,775. Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond. |
What is the highest number possible with 3 digits? |
2006-11-16 |
Liz pose la question : What is the highest number possible with 3 digits? The teacher said the answer is not 999 and that the question did not say "3-digit number." My answer then is 9 to the 99th power (written mathematically of course) as this uses "3 digits" and is obviously a huge number. Is this correct? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
The dimensions of a poster |
2006-03-08 |
Sonu pose la question : poster measures 150cm by 180cm is enlarged in the ratio 8:5 find the length and breath of the enlarged poster. Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Which is larger, 31^11 or 17^14? |
2005-05-29 |
Linda pose la question : Which number is greater 3111 or 1714 (without using
calculator). Chris Fisher and Paul Betts lui répond. |
50^99 and 99! |
2005-05-23 |
Romel pose la question : Which number is greater, 5099 or 99! Claude Tardif lui répond. |
Which is smaller 2^175 or 5^75? |
2005-05-18 |
Sarah pose la question : Which is smaller 2175 or 575? without using a calculator. Claude Tardif lui répond. |
Largest square inside a circle |
2004-10-25 |
Bob pose la question : my granddaughter asked
what is the largest size square in inches
would fit in a 60 inch circle?
I believe it to be around 42.3 inches but
would like to teach her how to do it mathematically. Penny Nom lui répond. |
A big number |
2004-08-26 |
Mark pose la question : If you have $999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999.99 and you find a pennie how much is that and can you give me the name of it. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Large exponents |
2004-03-26 |
John pose la question : I
have encountered problem with the lack of memory every calculator
seems to have. No calculator, on or off the computer, I've found
has the amount of memory or writing space to calculate the sums I want
to solve. The sums are in great importance for my continued progress.
The sums are following:
16777216^1310270, 16777215^995328, 16777215^786432 and 16777215^480000 Claude Tardif lui répond. |
(2^ 20,966,011) - 1 |
2003-12-12 |
Reid pose la question : Can someone please explain, answer and/or solve this: (2^ 20,966,011) - 1
I don't know what it means, my boss sent it out, I'm assuming it is to be
solved but don't know what it is, any prompt help would be appreciated, very
much so, in fact, thanks,........... Penny Nom lui répond. |
How high does the sequence of numbers go |
2003-09-07 |
Shayna pose la question : My quetion is "How high to the sequence of numbers go"? e.g. one, ten, hundred, thousand, million, billion, trillion, and from there is my queston. Penny Nom lui répond. |
1 followed by a million zeros |
2003-03-19 |
David pose la question : What do you call the number represented by the numeral '1' followed by one million zeros? Penny Nom lui répond. |
A number line |
2003-02-27 |
Shery pose la question :
My seventh grader problem of the month 0__________1______________5____> This is a arrow, the number should be below A.Mrs Decker created an arrow representing a number line shown above. She wanted to find points and label them with a heart (G) for Valentine's Day so that the fraction 5/g is less than 1. (be sure to mark the G and not the fraction 5/g). She pondered, "Are there any other locations for G?" Is so help her description the location of all these points. If not why not? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Hundreds, thousands, millions,... |
2003-02-19 |
Karissa and Jasmeen pose la question : hundreds, thousands, millions, - can you help us with the rest of this sequence - we are trying to find the largest number Penny Nom lui répond. |
Which fraction is greater? |
2001-02-01 |
Carol pose la question : Hello My name is Carol I am a student teacher! I am asked to aproach these students on their problems. I am unsure of how to explain to them that these are wrong. Can you help? Thanks. Iris claims that if we have two positive rational numbers, the one with the greatest numerator is the greatest. Shirly claim that if we have two positive rational numbers, the one with the greatest denominator is the least. Thanks! Claude Tardif lui répond. |
Larger and smaller |
2000-10-10 |
Nicole pose la question : which one of these arrows < , > points to the greater number? which arrows points to the smaller number. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Central Limit Theorem and Law of Large Numbers |
2000-06-26 |
Jonathan Yam pose la question : The Central limit Theorem states that when sample size tends to infinity, the sample mean will be normally distributed. The Law of Large Number states that when sample size tends to infinity, the sample mean equals to population mean. Is the two statements contradictory? Paul Betts and Harley Weston lui répond. |
Names for large numbers |
2000-06-16 |
Mireille Carthier pose la question : I am trying to find the common names (in English and French) for the big numbers as follows: | English | French | 106 | million | million | 109 | billion | milliard? | 1012 | trillion | billion? | 1015 | ?? | trillion? | Thank you very much Claude Tardif and Harley Weston lui répond. |
More on googols |
2000-02-23 |
Kevin Brennan pose la question : Could you please give me a couple of examples of when you MATH guys would use a google. Do youu measure, like, galaxies with it ? Or was it created to keep track of Mr Gate's bank account. Penny Nom lui répond. |
The greatest possible difference |
1999-09-17 |
Denea Hugunin pose la question : Use each of the digits 1 to 5 once to make a 2 digit number and a three digit number that the greatest possible difference. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Large Numbers |
1999-04-05 |
CK pose la question : Hello. I need a lesson plan for grades 4 to 7 dealing with the concept of large numbers. Specifically, how to teach scientific notation. The lesson plan has to deal with the following: the size of the universe is so huge that is is almost beyond the ability of the mind to comprehend. One way is to measure... Chris Fisher lui répond. |
The Largest Factor |
1998-03-15 |
Senthuran Nadarajah pose la question : When each expression is evaluated for different values of n, the answers will differ. For each expression, find largest natural number that will divide the result for all natural number values of n. n^5 - 5n^3 + 4n Harley Weston lui répond. |
Billions and more! |
1997-09-15 |
Mahabir B. Gupta pose la question : I would like to know how you americans write the number 1 billion. Do you say "One thousand million"..can you answer by giving me examples? 1,000,000----> 1 million 1,000,000,000---->1 billion Why is it that in spanish it is different? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Thousands, millions, billions and trillions |
1996-08-22 |
Blaine pose la question : What are the names of the periods in groups of numbers like 123,456,789. I need to know the names of them for school. I already know the first ones: units thousands millions billions trillions. Penny Nom and Diane Hanson lui répond. |