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Plans for dog kennels 2017-01-04
Pat pose la question :
So... I'm trying to draw up a plan for my new kennel buildings. They are going to built out of grain bins. I know, cool,... right. Anyway the kennels will be along the outside of the circle and be shaped like wedges. the center will be a play area. All of the kennel sides are 6 ft in length so the size of the gate will determine how many kennels I can fit in each bin. If I want to put an odd number of kennels in and I cant draw a straight line across to make all of the wedges the same size... how do I figure out the angles...degrees ? maybe i'm making it too hard but i'd like to give the dogs as much space as i can. I did up some ... attached.
Harley Weston lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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