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2 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
A rectangular hyperbola 2013-09-19
Soumya pose la question :
Is the graph of an inverse variation a RECTANGULAR HYPERBOLA? If it is, then how can be the equation of a rectangular hyperbola be xy=constant , whereas in the books it is written that the graph of a rectangular hyperbola is- x^2-y^2=a^2?
Chris Fisher lui répond.
A conic 2004-08-10
A student pose la question :
My question is about this equation 32x*2 -18y*2 -64x +72y +248 =0 explain why as x goes to the infinity the graph of the conic looks like y= (3/4)X.

What I did to try to find the solution of this problem was to graph and then I thought that maybe trying to find the equation of the asymptotes I could do it, but it was useless -because the equation of the asymptotes is y= +4/3(X-1) -2 and that does not explain why tho conic looks like y=(3/4) x . I would really appreciate your help on this.

Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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