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Dilemmes & doutes
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4 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
Two logic problems 2007-12-07
Grace pose la question :
1. You are an archaeologist that has just unearthed a long-sought triplet of ancient treasure chests. One chest is plated with silver, one with gold, and one with bronze. According to legend, one of the three chests is filled with great treasure, whereas the other two chests house a man-eating python that can rip your head off. Faced with a dilemma, you then notice that there are inscriptions on the chests:

Silver Chest - Treasure is in this Chest.
Gold Chest - Treasure is not in this Chest.
Bronze Chest - Treasure is not in the Gold Chest

. You know that at least one of the inscriptions is true, and at least one of the inscriptions is false. Which chest do you open?
(a) Silver (b) Gold (c) Bronze

Penny Nom lui répond.
Hat size 2005-08-16
Keshia pose la question :
What formula would I use to find the measurement of a hat size? Ex. If the hat was 7 3/4", what formula would I use to get that measurement?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A hat of a different color 2002-02-24
Kirstin pose la question :
A teacher made a deal with 3 of his students. He said that if you can guess what color hat you have on your head without looking, I will pass you. There were 2 red hats and 3 blue hats. The deal worked like this: The three students would close there eyes, and the teacher would put a hat on each of their heads and then hide the other 2. Then one at a time, the students would open their eyes and try to figure out what color hat was on their head. The student could guess or pass. This is what happened when they put their deal to the test: A boy named Arturo was first and opened his eyes but wasn't sure so he passed so he didn't get it wrong. Belicia was next and she passed too because she wasn't sure. Also she thought about the fact that Arturo didn't know. Carletta was last and without even opening her eyes, she knew for sure what color hat she was wearing and her answer was right. So i have to figure out what color hat she's wearing for sure.
Claude Tardif lui répond.
Hats, jackets and gloves 2000-03-30
Max pose la question :
Find the one that does not belong 66 333 99 111 88

also if you have 3 hats and 3 jackets and 3 gloves, how many different combinations of a hat and a jacket and gloves can you wear?
Claude Tardif and Penny Nom lui répond.




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