2 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
4 couples golfing |
2013-07-06 |
Brian pose la question : We have 4 couples going on a 4 day golf vacation playing 4 rounds of golf.
I have spent hours trying to set up a schedule that allows the 4 spouse to play together,
and then each spouse to play with one of the other spouses (men with women) for the]
other 3 rounds.
I would like the foursomes to be different as possible. Also, no-one should RIDE in a cart with the
same person more than once.
I am not a math guy so I try to do this by working it out on paper, over
and over again. It ain't working!!
If you can help, I am very thankful.
Brian Victoria West lui répond. |
Golfing with 8 or 12 |
2006-02-13 |
Carolyn pose la question : I have a couple of questions that my dad asked me and I do not think it can be done in the manner he wants it to come out to.
He is going on a golf trip in June. There are going to be either 8 or 12 players playing 4 rounds of golf.
The questions that he says will not work and I do not know how to figure it out either is
4 Rounds of golf is for sure. 18 hole Rounds each
4 Players to a group
Either 8 or 12 players can every player play with every player in a group at least once during those 4 rounds.
If this can be done can you give me the combinations for both 8 and 12 , so I can help out my dad. Along with how you you figure this out. Penny Nom lui répond. |