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2 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
Segments of a ring gasket 2009-09-20
Robert pose la question :
I am in the process of making an Excel spreadsheet in which our sales team just needs to enter the outside diameter, inside diameter, and number of segments to price ring gaskets that are too big to fit on a sheet of material and need to be cut into segments. With your help I was able to create a spread sheet that can calculate the Chord lengths, and Segment height on a single gasket segment. I am now stuck trying to come up with a formula to figure out the height of the second segment when it is stacked on the first segment, then use it to add more depending on the quantity of segments needed. I have an illustration below showing 2 segments (of a gasket that was segmented into 4 pieces) stacked together. I need to find a formula to get the dimension from "A" to "B".
Harley Weston lui répond.
The diameter of a gasket 2007-12-01
Jorge pose la question :
I have an application where I am using a circular silicone gasket. I have the total length but would like to calculate the diameter with the given length. What formula should be used? We receive these gaskets in a roll and cut them about 21 inches and glue the ends together to make it one piece. I would prefer to purchase these already cut and glued but require a diameter. If I had the overall diameter from a 21 inch length gasket, I can look on-line for a part that comes close to the diameter.


Harley Weston lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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