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future value

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3 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
Compound interest 2010-06-01
Kenneth pose la question :
Hello: I have a question regarding the following compound interest and future value calculation.

Year 1 P + rP equals balance after the first year.
Year 2 (P + rP) + r(P + rP) equals balance after the second year.
Year 3 ? equals balance after the third year.

This question is in two parts.

1. What would follow for year three?

2. I know that a pattern will develop. What will it be so that I can determine the extended pattern for following years ?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Saving for his daughter's education 2009-01-15
George pose la question :
To save for his daughter’s university education at the end of each month Mr McLean sets aside £50 in a savings scheme paying 10% p.a. compounded monthly. He begins saving when his daughter is 3 years old. How much will he have saved by the time his daughter is 18?
Harley Weston lui répond.
Future value 2002-06-27
Susan pose la question :
If one were to invest $115 a month for 20 years and expect a 4% annual return, what is the value of this money in 20 years?
Leeanne Boehm lui répond.



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