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Dilemmes & doutes
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even numbers

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5 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
15 pigs and 6 pens 2011-11-16
Mike pose la question :
I have 15 pigs and 6 pens, I have to put them in odd numbers, how do I do it.
Chris Fisher lui répond.
Twice an even number 2011-10-10
Ron pose la question :
The number of dollars that Tracy has in her pocket is an odd number. Hal gave Tracy $2 more than she already had in her pocket. The number of dollars Tracy now has cannot be _________.
a) $60 b) $62 c) $64 d) 68

Penny Nom lui répond.
7 odd numbers 2010-02-19
mike pose la question :
Hello there, Problem: find 7 odd numbers who sum is equal to 30. Hint*My professor said it's possible to add 7 odd numbers and get 30 for an answer! and he said we can use Negative and rational numbers but no decimal or fractions. So is there anyway of solving this? Please get back to ASAP! thanks.
Harley Weston and Tyler Wood lui répond.
Two row arrays 2003-09-03
Madalyn pose la question :
My question is, what are #'s that can not be arranged in two row arrays called?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Evens and odds 1999-05-04
Emily Hays pose la question :
My name is Emily Hays, I am in the 6th grade and my teacher gave me some extra probelms to see if I could solve them. She can't find the KEY and I can't figure out the probelm so she suggested I e-mail you guys to see if you could help us. Here's the Problem:

The numbers 1,2,3...,1999 are written on the blackboard in the classroom. Evertime the teacher enters the room he chooses two numbers on the blackboard, say a & b, with a> or equal to b, then he erases them and writes the difference a-b somewhere on the blackboard. After this procedure is carried on 1998 times, there will be only one number left on the blackboard. Prove the last remaining number must be even.

I hope you can help us!
Chris Fisher and Harley Weston lui répond.




Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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