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A bargin with the devil 2001-03-21
DJ pose la question :
There once was a boy who spent all his time dreaming about getting rich. " I would do anything to be rich". The devil, hearing this, appeared before the boy and offered to make him rich. "See that bridge?" said the devil. Just walk across and I will double your money you have now. In fact, each time you cross I will double your money. There is just one thing you must give me $24 after each crossing. The boy agreed. He crossed the bridge, stopped to count his money and, and sure enough, it had doubled. He paid the devil $24 and crossed again. Again his money doubled. He paid another $24 and crossed a third time. Again his money had doubled, but this time there was only $24 left which he had to pay the devil so he was left with nothing. The devil laughed and vanished.
  1. How much money did the boy start with?

Penny Nom lui répond.



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