13 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
More on the curvature of the Earth |
2018-04-23 |
will pose la question : the formula for figuring the earth's curve goes against logic, looking at a fixed point and backup 1mi. the point drops 8" then 16" in the next mi. and 32" in the third mi. why shouldn't it be 24" why is the 8" per mi. squared can you tell me in laymens terms why this is it goes against logic it would seem the correct wat would be to add up 8" per mile as you back up from the fixed point 8"- 16"- 24"- 32" not 8/16/32/64" Harley Weston lui répond. |
Prove the earth is round |
2016-01-30 |
Kevin pose la question : Working on a project for a science fair.
To prove the earth is round without the ability to get way above the surface.
How could we set up and experiment to see the curve.
My thought is using a telescope at the beach?
Form what we see so far the curve is 8 inches per mile?
So thought is set up a telescope and a target 1 mile away? Robert Dawson and Chris Fisher lui répond. |
How much does the Earth curve over a one foot distance? |
2015-11-24 |
Sean pose la question : Hi, I am trying to figure out how much the earth curves over a one foot distance. I'd like to be able to draw the exact arc on a piece of paper. I am an artist and am looking to make glass vessels with the exact curvature of the earth. I read on your site that it curves approximately 8 inches per mile. can I just use simple ratios to break it down into inches?? Thank you so much for your help. Harley Weston lui répond. |
Curvature of the Earth |
2014-12-29 |
Jimmy pose la question : Both batteries died in my scientific calculator and I have lost my formula for the heigth of the curvature of the earth between two points on the surface. I used degrees and miles. I only had to enter the distance between the two points on the surface and the formula gave me the hieght the earth raised between the two points. Robert Dawson lui répond. |
Curvature of the Earth |
2014-03-28 |
Max pose la question :
Recently I read the answer to a question proposed by someone on this site.
The question : What is the rate of curvature per mile on Earth?
The answer given : Use Pythagoras' Theorem to solve for the answer, given a 1 mile side
and a side as the radius. The hypotenuse minus the radius is your answer of drop/mile or curve/mile.
My conjecture : Why go through all of that work if the distance is one? Something like
{1/diameter} would would fine for such a problem. Seems like a lot of work for no reason.
I understand the practical application of Pythagoras' Theorem in this certain situation, as you would need
to use a^2+b^2=c^2 for any distance greater than one [mile]..
It just seems excessive and unnecessary if you're solving for curve / one mile. Robert Dawson lui répond. |
The curvature of the earth |
2012-02-08 |
sean pose la question : Question from sean, a student:
Two people 1.8 metres tall walk directly away from each other until they can no longer see each other (due to the curvature of the earth, which has a radius of about 6378 km).
A) Find a function relating the height of two identical objects with the distance between them using the scenario above as an example.
B) Sketch this function (you may use Graphmatica if you wish). Over what domain and range does the function exist?
C) Describe this relation in practical terms. Harley Weston lui répond. |
Curvature of the Earth |
2010-05-29 |
grant pose la question : if you have 2 plumb structures 10ft. tall, how far apart will they be when they are 1 inch out of parallel at the top Tyler Wood lui répond. |
Line of sight |
2010-05-06 |
David pose la question : I live in St. Joseph, Michigan and there is an ongoing argument regarding line-of-sight over the horizon.
Standing on a 200 foot high bluff here, people swear they can see the top of the Willis (nee Sears) Tower in Chicago, which is about 1653 feet high.
It is my contention that this is actually a "refracted reflection" and not direct-line-of-sight.
So, to settle the argument, I'd sure like some simple explanation for this, even if-and I hope not-I am incorrect.
David Harley Weston lui répond. |
Distance seen |
2008-03-18 |
Nev pose la question : formule: Distance Seen
S = 1.225 x square root of H
S = Distance seen in Miles
H = Height in Feet
What dose 1.225 Relate To ? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
How far can you see? |
2003-12-15 |
Judy pose la question :
How far apart, assuming no obstacles, can two people stand and still see each other?
i know this deals with the curvature of earth, but i can't figure out the formulas involved.
Chris Fisher lui répond. |
Hidden by the curvature of the Earth |
2003-04-23 |
Shirley pose la question : There are 2 six foot men. What would the distance be between them before one could not be seen because of the curvature of the earth? Penny Nom lui répond. |
When will the ship disappear? |
2001-10-10 |
Stacy pose la question : If the sail of a ship were a 100 ft. tall and you were a mouse at the edge of the shore looking out at it, how far out would the ship be when it disappears? ( your eye level is level with the water.) Harley Weston lui répond. |
Curvature of the Earth |
1998-03-16 |
Robert Dyck pose la question : How can I find the curvature per mile of the earths surface? What is it? Harley Weston lui répond. |