314 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
Calculating volume of concrete, dirt, sand, anything. |
2006-11-17 |
Debbie pose la question : [This article contains a special calculator to help you find the volume (for example, the cubic yards) of material required to fill (or empty) a space if you know the length, width and depth.]
We are wanting to pour a 24'x30' slab that is 5" deep. How many cubic yards of cement do we need? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Covering 1 acre, 6" deep |
2020-03-02 |
Jim pose la question : How many cubic yards does it take to cover 1 acre 6" deep.
Thank you Also, can you show me how you determined that answer. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Conversing from tons to cubic yards |
2019-08-03 |
Kathleen pose la question : Is there a simple formula to convert the following from tons to cubic yards:
Sand base
Fill dirt Penny Nom lui répond. |
The volume of a pile of dirt |
2019-04-01 |
Genevieve pose la question : We have a pile of dirt approximately 6 feet high by 15 feet wide by 80 feet long.
We need to know how many cubic yards of dirt are in this pile. Thank you Harley Weston lui répond. |
The volume of water in a pipe |
2019-03-21 |
Abati pose la question : How can I calculate the volume of water in a pipe with below details;
Pipe diameter - 6 inches
Length of pipe - 127meters Penny Nom lui répond. |
Covering 6 acres with dirt |
2018-09-27 |
Scott pose la question : How many cubic yards of dirt would come from 6 acres, 6 ft. deep? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Linear feet and cubic feet |
2018-07-16 |
Dave pose la question : How do I convert: 1 foot wide x 15 inches high x 19 inches deep
We are trying to figure out how to convert the linear footage into cubic footage
the above are the figures represent just 1 linear feet of several thousand
Any thing helps,
Thanks in advance
Dave Penny Nom lui répond. |
2.5 gallons of liquid, one half an inch deep |
2018-02-21 |
Cain pose la question : How many square feet would 2.5 gallons of liquid cover at half an inch deep? Penny Nom lui répond. |
980 cubic yards of dirt |
2016-12-17 |
Jondi pose la question : I am trying to visualize 980 cubic yards of dirt by using a metaphor.
Would this be the size of a car?
A fire engine?
A semi-trailer?
How many trucks would you need to haul away 980 yards of dirt? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Gallons and cubic inches |
2016-12-05 |
Theresa pose la question : If I did not know the cubic inches in a liquid gallon how would I find it?
In other words what is the formula for this? Penny Nom lui répond. |
A cubic equation |
2016-07-25 |
Chinmay pose la question : x³-2x²-7x+5 Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cubic feet of soil |
2016-06-19 |
H pose la question : A garden is 8 ft x 7 ft that needs to raised 6 inch's How many cubic feet of soil required ? What am I missing ?
H Penny Nom lui répond. |
A volume in cubic yards |
2015-11-12 |
James pose la question : The first formula for figuring cubic yards of concrete need is length in feet, times width in feet, times depth in actual inches, divided by 320. Such as, 150x 50 feet x 4inches divided by 320 = cubic yards. How and why does this formula work? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cubic feet and cubic yards |
2015-05-17 |
Richard pose la question : If I have a bag that covers.8cubic ft how many bags are in 2.65 cubic yards? Penny Nom lui répond. |
5000 gallons in cubic yards |
2015-02-17 |
Miguel pose la question : If I have a cube shaped tank in the ground that holds 5000 gallons and I want to take it out and fill the hole in with dirt, how much dirt will I need in yards? Penny Nom lui répond. |
The volume of Lake Utah |
2015-01-29 |
Hannan pose la question : Lake Utah has a surface area of 3,846 square miles and an average depth of 10.5 feet. In cubic miles, how much water does it hold?
How would you approach this question? Where would you start? Robert Dawson and Penny Nom lui répond. |
67 cubic yards in cubic metres |
2014-07-09 |
gavin pose la question : Convert 67 cu yards into cu metres Penny Nom lui répond. |
An oval pool |
2014-06-21 |
steve pose la question : I have a 16' x 28' oval pool that is buried 24" deep inground. The dig site is dug
2' wider all the way around the pool. I need to back fill this area with stone. I want to fill this area with 6 to 8"
of stone. How many tons of stone will this take?
Thanks you
Steve Penny Nom lui répond. |
6 inches of dirt in a baseball field |
2014-06-01 |
Mary pose la question : The baseball field is 20,000 Square feet, 6 inched deep
I need to know how many cubic yards of dirt this will generate. Penny Nom lui répond. |
19 acres by 12 feet deep |
2014-05-04 |
Bernie pose la question : How many cubic yards of dirt is in 19 acres if you dig down 12ft ? Penny Nom lui répond. |
A cubical tank |
2014-04-01 |
renzo pose la question : A cubical tank contains 2048 cubic ft of water when HALF-FULL. Find the total area of the tank and the length of its diagonal Penny Nom lui répond. |
A formula for determining concrete volume in cu. yd. |
2014-03-19 |
Steven pose la question : I know a couple of formulas for determining concrete volume in cu.yd. the one I use most frequently is length in feet x width in feet x thickness in inch. Divided by 324. It works every time. Where does the number 324 come from. Penny Nom lui répond. |
How many cubic centimeters are in a cubic meter? |
2014-02-11 |
merylin pose la question : How many cubic centimeters are in a cubic meter? Use a sketch to explain your reasoning. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Converting cost per cubic yard to cost per ton |
2014-02-05 |
Mayra pose la question : If 18 cubic yards= 25 tons and it's $28.00 per yard how much is it a ton. I need help please a refresher on my algebra. Thank you Penny Nom lui répond. |
200,000 cubic metres |
2013-11-06 |
John pose la question : Hello:
I'm a journalist reporting on the proposal to bury 200,000 cubic metres of radioactive waste below ground near Kincardine, Ontario. I'm trying to put this figure into some kind of perspective for readers -- particularly in the U.S., where most are unfamiliar with the metric system. I don't know whether there's any particular frame of reference that would be enlightening -- U.S. football fields, Olympic-sized swimming pools, etc. Can you help? Thanks very much in advance, John Harley Weston lui répond. |
The number of cords on a pile of wood |
2013-09-18 |
Gary pose la question : a cord of wood is 4 feet by 4 feet by 8 feet, how much wood is a row that is 16 in by 5 foot by 32 feet? Penny Nom lui répond. |
1,990 cubic yards in gallons |
2013-07-16 |
Tayler pose la question : You have 1,990 cubic yards of concrete to pour.
If the average swimming pool holds 25,000 gallons, how many pools can
Be poured with the 1,990 cubic yards of concrete.
1 cubic yard= 27 cubic feet Penny Nom lui répond. |
5 1/2 cubic feet of sawdust |
2013-01-19 |
Vina pose la question : I have a bale of sawdust that containes 5 1/2 cubic feet. How many will I need to make a cubic yard? Penny Nom lui répond. |
How high must the trailer be filled with sand? |
2012-08-06 |
Deb pose la question : Your customer has ordered 67 cubic yards of sand. The inside dimensions of your trailer are 40 feet long by 7 feet wide by 9 feet high. How high must the trailer be filled with sand? (Round up to the nearest inch.) Penny Nom lui répond. |
A cubic inequality |
2012-03-25 |
Victoria pose la question : The flight path of a bumblebee above the ground can be modelled by the function f(x)= 2x^3- 17x^2+ 11x + 130. Where x is the time in seconds and f(x) represents the height in inches above the ground. The entrance to the bee's hive is located 100 inches above the ground. Determine when the bumblebee's height is greater than 100 inches. The bee's height was monitored from 0 to 25 seconds inclusive. (over the domain 0 Penny Nom lui répond. |
One acre of dirt 6 inches deep |
2012-01-11 |
Cameron pose la question : Ok what im wanting to know is how many pounds of dirt are in 80
acres of land that is 6 inches deep? My friend and I are stumped on this question Penny Nom lui répond. |
50,000 cubic yards of dirt |
2011-08-12 |
2 cubic foot bags of mulch |
2011-04-11 |
Ron pose la question : if I buy 2 cubic foot bags of mulch, how bags would
I need to equal 1 yard? (13 bags?) Penny Nom lui répond. |
Volume of concrete |
2011-04-03 |
john pose la question : I have 1200 square foot that i need to fill at 4 inches deep. how many cubic yards of concrete will i need? and how do I figure this? Penny Nom lui répond. |
A cubic inch |
2011-03-13 |
wyatt pose la question : what is a cubic inch? Penny Nom lui répond. |
20 acres, 12 inches deep |
2011-02-24 |
David pose la question : How many linear yards of material is needed for a square plot of 20 acres by 12 inches deep? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Identify each polynomial by its degree and number of terms |
2011-01-10 |
betty pose la question : Write in standard form and identify each polynomial by its degree and number of terms. How do you do this? Penny Nom lui répond. |
30,000 US gallons of water |
2010-10-12 |
mike pose la question : If a swimming pool can hold 30,000 US gallons of water - is it possible to calculate the number of yards of dirt it would take to fill the hole? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cost of a driveway |
2010-10-11 |
arlene pose la question : What is the total cost of a driveway that is 25' wide and 45' long with 4" thickness if the concreat cost 92.00 per cubic yard and labor is 70.00 a cubic yard? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Factoring cubics and quartics |
2010-09-29 |
Tori pose la question : How do you factor these types of questions:
* x^3 - 4x^2 - x + 4
*2x^3 - 3x^2 - 4x - 6
*x^4 - 15x^2 - 16 Robert Dawson lui répond. |
70 cubic meters of mulch |
2010-07-30 |
zsuzsi pose la question : i have 70 cubic meters of mulch to move and an 8 tonne truck to use
how much tonnage is to 1 square meter so that i can work out how many trips i need to make Penny Nom lui répond. |
Converting kilograms to cubic metres |
2010-07-16 |
Ilai pose la question : I want to convert kg to cubic metre Penny Nom lui répond. |
Thickness of sand |
2010-07-07 |
RHONDA pose la question : In an 18 x 33 ft area how much is 4 yards of sand in inches to cover this area. Penny Nom lui répond. |
1 cubic yard of top soil |
2010-06-28 |
Bob pose la question : If you were to place 1 cubic yard of top soil onto a 15' X 24' Garden area and it was spread evenly would the amount be a dusting of 1" or about 1'? Penny Nom lui répond. |
The median |
2010-04-18 |
amper pose la question : How could i get the median with this equation f(x)=(x^2+4)3/13 0 Harley Weston lui répond. |
Aggregate must for a road base |
2010-01-30 |
Bryan pose la question : How many cubic yards of aggregate must be ordered for a road base 16 in. thick and 2 miles long with a top width of 30 ft, if the side slopes are one on one, or 45 degrees Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
What is the length of my sidewalk? |
2010-01-27 |
Les pose la question : Name: Les
Who are you: Student
I have a sidewalk 4"thick,4ft. wide,and I have 2cubic yards of concrete. What is the length of my sidewalk? Penny Nom lui répond. |
The roots of a cubic |
2010-01-21 |
Laura pose la question : Consider the equation x^3 + 6x^2 - x = 30.
One of the roots is equal to the sum of the other two roots.
Find the values of the three roots. Chris Fisher and Harley Weston lui répond. |
Cubic feet |
2010-01-16 |
deb pose la question : 1 room 49x24 1 room 18x18 need 6 inch deep can u convert to cubic feet for me thank you Penny Nom lui répond. |
Fill required for a driveway |
2009-10-03 |
Rose pose la question : We are going to be pouring a driveway and it is needing a lot of fill. I can't seem to figure this out. Measurements are 30 ft x 30 ft and it goes from 2' deep to 4" (which is what I need overall as it will be 4" of concrete for the driveway. Please HELP Rose in GA. Penny Nom lui répond. |
The volume of a levee |
2009-09-29 |
Wes pose la question : I need a levee with a 2:1 slope on both sides (front and back), the length
of the levee is 290 feet, the height of the levee is 15 feet, and the width
of the levee, at the top, is 10 feet. How do I figure out how many CUBIC
YARDS of dirt I need to make the levee? And what formula do I use in
future to figure this out easily? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Digging a trench |
2009-09-15 |
Darrell pose la question : In digging a pipe trench that measures 29 feet long, 2 feet 9 inches wide, and 3 feet 6
inches deep, how many cubic yards of earth were removed from the site? Penny Nom lui répond. |
43200 cubic inches in gallons |
2009-05-17 |
Denise pose la question : how many gallons are in a tank that has a volume of 43,200 cubic inches? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cubic feet and cubic yards |
2009-05-08 |
TJ pose la question : 21 bags at 2 cubic feet per bag.
How many yards would that be? Penny Nom lui répond. |
10 yards of rubber mulch |
2009-04-15 |
Donna pose la question : If I want to buy 10 yards of rubber mulch (bulk), but it only comes in 20 pound bags, how many bags do I need to buy? Harley Weston lui répond. |
Cubic yards of dirt |
2009-04-15 |
ravi pose la question : Calculate the cubic yards of dirt to the nearest whole number (0) required to fill
a basement 9 ft 6 in. deep of the following size. base1= 47.0 ft, base2= 57.2 ft,
and the height is 15.0 ft Penny Nom lui répond. |
310,000 cubic yards of concrete |
2009-03-31 |
Mary pose la question : I am interested in getting a good, general analogy for 310,000 cubic yards of concrete -
ideally as a length (miles) or distance between two US cities. Thanks! Penny Nom lui répond. |
How many bags do I need? |
2009-03-16 |
Dawn pose la question : I need to purchase an item that is .4 cubic feet in size and the amount
I need is 5.625 cubic feet. How many bags do I need? Penny Nom lui répond. |
A cubic polynomial |
2009-03-11 |
Pedro pose la question : I am having trouble figuring out the soultions for the polynomial equation
6x^3-17x^2+4x+12=0 Robert Dawson lui répond. |
Cubic feet |
2009-03-07 |
A student pose la question : What is cubic feet and how do I use it in this question? (picture below) Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
How many gallons does my soup kettle hold? |
2009-02-15 |
Old pose la question : I have a round kettle I use to make soup for the hungry. I was curious on how many gallons it holds. The radius is 16 inches and the height is 18 inches. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Tearing down a wooden privacy fence |
2009-02-14 |
Dezra pose la question : we are tearing down a wooden privacy fence, it is 180' in length and
the boards are 4"w x 6' H=A0x 1" thick
i have a truck that holds 15 cubic yards. I would like to=A0know how many loads it's going to take to haul it off.
thank you for your help
dezra Harley Weston lui répond. |
Cubic feet gas to grams of gas |
2009-02-11 |
tim pose la question : I was trying to convert cubic feet gas to grams of gas. Is there a formula to complete this task? Robert Dawson lui répond. |
Cubic centimeters and ounces |
2009-02-06 |
Dawn pose la question : 1-- syringe contains 5.5cc of medicine & cost $13.50
1 --2 oz bottle of medicine cost $17.50
How many cc's in 2 oz, & which is the better deal? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Fill behind a retaining wall |
2009-02-05 |
Fausto pose la question : i'm trying to figure out how many cubic yards i will need. I built a retaining wall that it's 5 feet high, running 90 feet long. There is a slope running to the wall of 24 degrees. The distance from the top of the slope to the wall is 12 feet. I don't know how to calculate how many cubic yards of fill dirt i need in there. Please help. Thanks! Harley Weston lui répond. |
How many yards are in a cord? |
2009-02-04 |
joanna pose la question : How many yards are in a cord? Robert Dawson and Penny Nom lui répond. |
A cubical tank that is 8 m on a side |
2009-01-25 |
gina pose la question : Suppose one edge of a cubic tank is 8m; Find the volume of the tank in cubic meters Penny Nom lui répond. |
A one cubic mile lake |
2009-01-09 |
dye pose la question : how many liters are in a one cubic mile lake Robert Dawson lui répond. |
100 yds of concrete |
2008-12-28 |
Carol pose la question : how much money is a 100 yds of concrete @ $80cy? Penny Nom lui répond. |
A cubic yard of concrete |
2008-12-28 |
David pose la question : assuming that one cubic yard of concrete is 4” thick and 3’ long, how many square feet does it cover?
the answer is 27 but im not sure how. i spent a lot of time and i still can't figure it out. thank you! Penny Nom lui répond. |
The inverse function for F(x)=x^3+x |
2008-12-18 |
alireza pose la question : I want inverse function for F(x)=x^3+x Robert Dawson lui répond. |
Topsoil on a soccer field |
2008-12-02 |
rita pose la question : a park foreman decides that a soccer field needs 4 inches of topsoil. soccer field is 100 feet by 250 feet.
1 truckoad is 5 cubic yards. how many truckloads do we need to order. i keep confusing myself with formulas. please explain the steps to me
thank you Penny lui répond. |
Cubic yards of fill dirt |
2008-11-22 |
Donnie pose la question : I need to know the formula to figure cubic yds of fill dirt to fill an area from 4ft. deep to 18 inches deep
this lot is on a slope and I am wanting to level 176 ft long by 4ft. deep
the sides is 115 ft. wide
the upper side is 18 inches deep. Harley Weston lui répond. |
15 cubic yards of dirt |
2008-11-20 |
Phillip pose la question : How far, in feet, will 15 cubic yards of dirt cover, if I'm laying it 12 feet wide and 4 inches deep? Please provide formula. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Two cubic yards, 4 inches deep |
2008-11-15 |
Donna pose la question : How many square feet will 2 cubic yards cover if the depth is 4 inches? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
The unusable space in a container |
2008-10-02 |
Billy pose la question : an object is 42 inches long, 29 inches wide, and 69 inches high. The usable capacity of this container is 36.4 cubic feet. How much space in percentage is left over from the container? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Conversion to cubic feet |
2008-10-01 |
Dorothy pose la question : What is the cubic feet of an item that is 7"x16 7/8"x19" Harley Weston lui répond. |
One acre, 1 foot deep |
2008-09-23 |
ed pose la question : 1 acre square by 1 foot deep how many cubic yards Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cubic yards and quarts |
2008-09-16 |
Mary pose la question : I need 2 yards of soil, how many quarts is this? Penny Nom lui répond. |
A cubic equation |
2008-08-25 |
RAM pose la question : The following Cubic Eqn should have three roots - what are they?
x^3-27=0 Penny Nom lui répond. |
Converting to cubic yards |
2008-08-15 |
Lisa pose la question : I need to convert 32,000 square feet, 5 inches deep to cubic yards. Can you help me?
Thank you Harley Weston lui répond. |
22 cubic feet |
2008-08-14 |
julio pose la question : how to measure to get 22 cubic feet, do i need the
width Penny Nom lui répond. |
24 in by 14 in by 14 in in cubic feet |
2008-08-05 |
Tom pose la question : I have a box that has internal dimensions of: 24in. H x 14in. W x 14in. D.
How many cubic feet is this internal space? Penny Nom and Victoria West lui répond. |
A cubic mile of water |
2008-08-03 |
Fred pose la question : [QQ] HOW MUCH WATER IS THERE IN A CUBIC MILE? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
The weight of a cubic yard of dirt |
2008-07-21 |
Robert pose la question : I need to know how many pounds of dirt is in a cubic yard Penny Nom lui répond. |
How much sand do I order? |
2008-07-15 |
jackson pose la question : We would like to put 2 inches of sand down. The pool is 24 feet.
How much sand will we need?
The person we spoke to yesterday was talking in tons, but on these sites it is
talking cubic yards or feet.
Please help. We would like to get the sand ordered so we can get the pool up! Harley Weston lui répond. |
Pounds per cubic foot |
2008-07-08 |
Peter pose la question : A column has a diameter of 42 feet, a height of 40 feet, and weighs 15 tons. What is the mean number of pounds per cubic foot? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cubic centimeters and milliliters |
2008-07-07 |
Robert pose la question : how many milliliters are in 750 cubic centimeters? Harley Weston lui répond. |
Packing a truck |
2008-06-10 |
Ann pose la question : I am renting a 24ft box truck and have been told it is 1401 cubic feet. I want to know if I have 23 display cases to move and each is 6ft X 2ft X 3ft will the all fit? Or do I need additional info in order to figure this out? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Filling a hole with sand |
2008-06-05 |
greg pose la question : I have a 18 ft. diameter circle and need to put 2 in. of sand in it i need to know how much sand in cubic yards and tons Harley Weston lui répond. |
50 cubic yards of dirt |
2008-05-31 |
Mary pose la question : 50 cubic yards of dirt is allowed.
16 feet of width and 1 foot of depth.
How far can can you cover in length? in feet, yards or miles? Janice Cotcher lui répond. |
4x^3 - 6x + 2 = 0 |
2008-05-28 |
paul pose la question : 4x^3 - 6x + 2 = 0 Janice Cotcher lui répond. |
Convert cubic inches to gallons |
2008-05-26 |
Rosemarie pose la question : How do you convert cubic inches to gallons? Thanks for your help. Penny Nom lui répond. |
.5 cu ft of sand to lbs. |
2008-05-25 |
rogersimmons pose la question : needtocovert .5 cu ft. of sand into lbs. Penny Nom lui répond. |
x^3-6x^2+3x+5=0 |
2008-05-22 |
faiz pose la question : x3-6x2+3x+5=0 Janice Cotcher and Harley Weston lui répond. |
The volume of a ditch |
2008-05-09 |
Dixie pose la question : I need to find the cubic feet of a ditch 36 inches wide by 28 inches high, by 1561 feet long.
then I need to convert it to cubic yards then to tons. of rock Penny Nom lui répond. |
Surface area |
2008-05-01 |
John pose la question : I am working with concrete and need some assistance please. I am trying to figure out what the surface space is for a one cubic foot that is four inches thick? Penny Nom lui répond. |
WHY 144 where does this figure come from |
2008-04-19 |
Sean pose la question : Why do you use the number 144 to divide
EG. length of timber 2 inches x 8 inches x 14 foot = 1.5 cubic feet
Calculation is 2x8x14 =224 divide by 144 = 1.5 WHY 144 where does this figure come from Leeanne Boehm lui répond. |
A 13 cubic foot cylinder filled with sand |
2008-04-12 |
Thomas pose la question : I have a 100 pound bag of sand. I need to know how much sand I will need to fill a 13 cubic foot cylinder Harley Weston lui répond. |
The zeros of a cubic |
2008-04-09 |
Ryan pose la question : what are all the zeros of f(x)= x^3-1/2x^2+1/3x-1/6 Penny Nom lui répond. |
Factor 2x^3 + 3x^2 - 32x + 15 |
2008-04-02 |
sarah pose la question : I have a course review I'm working on and I'm not sure how I'm supposed to factor the following
2x^3 + 3x^2 - 32x + 15. Penny Nom lui répond. |
I have to fill a hole with clay |
2008-03-31 |
Tim pose la question : Dear Sirs I have to fill a hole with clay and then 8 inches of top soil. The area is a 24 foot circular hole left by a now removed swimming pool. The area in question pithces from the house from 48" to ground level within that 24 feet. I was wondering how many yards o the top soil has to be 5-8 inches deep thank you f fill(clay) I would need and how many Yards of top soil to cover that hole Harley Weston lui répond. |
A complex cubic polynomial |
2008-03-26 |
wael pose la question : how do we solve in C the following equation:
z^3 + (5i-6)z^2 + (9-24i)z + 13i + 18 = 0 if it admits a pure imaginary root? Harley Weston lui répond. |
(x-3)/(x-cube+6x-square-25x-150) |
2008-03-24 |
rafia pose la question : (x-3)/(x-cube+6x-square-25x-150) Penny Nom lui répond. |
The volume of a footing |
2008-03-23 |
Brett pose la question : You need to pour an 8"x16" footing that is 100ft. long. At a cost of
$65 per cubic yard, how much will this cost?
(A) $205 or less
(B) more than $205, but less than $220
(C) $220 to $235
(D) more than $235 Penny Nom lui répond. |
The volume of a dam |
2008-03-23 |
JD pose la question : How many cubic yards of soil are required to build a small Pond Dam:
100ft wide bottom x 300ft long x 15ft High with a 14ft wide Flat top Harley Weston lui répond. |
How would I factor 2x^3 + 11x^2 - 7x - 6? |
2008-03-22 |
Sean pose la question : How would I factor this polynomial?
2x^3 + 11x^2 - 7x - 6 Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
The volume of a countertop |
2008-03-08 |
Matthew pose la question : I need to calculate volume down to cubic feet. I pour concrete countertops
and cant figure out the formula to convert inches and feet. If I have a 2.5 inch
by 2 foot by 16 foot concrete countertop how do I convert it to cubic feet
and hence know how many bags of concrete at .6 cubic feet per bag I will need.
I am trying to input the formula into a spreadsheet. thank you so much Matt Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cubic feet to liters |
2008-03-06 |
chase pose la question : if 1cu.ft=6.229 imp. gal and1 imp.gal=4.546 liters how many liters does of 128cuft. hold Penny Nom lui répond. |
How large is a container that will hold 3.5 cu meters? |
2008-03-05 |
Robert pose la question : If a company allows you to ship personal belongings while on an over seas assignment and the figure is 3.5 cubic meters. Just how much is the total area in square feet?? 10X10X10 or??? I just wanted to understand the size of a container that would hold 3.5 cubic meters!! Harley Weston lui répond. |
I need to level a 18ft x 21ft area that is very uneven. |
2008-03-04 |
Shelia pose la question : I need to level a 18ft x 21ft area that is very uneven. I have used a line level to determine the number of inches at various places in the area. This varies from 1 inch to 15 inches in order to bring the garden area up level. How do I calculate cubic yards so I can order topsoil for the area. If needed, I have the number of inches needed for each square yard area. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Digging a pool |
2008-01-29 |
tom pose la question : digging a pond 100ft by 70ft by12ft with a 2:1 side slope. how many cubic yards will be removed Harley Weston lui répond. |
The Shaw family wants a new swimming pool |
2008-01-26 |
Mable pose la question : The Shaw family wants a new swimming pool in their backyard. The pool company stated that the first job is to remove dirt from an area 30ft x 60ft. Next, a hole must be dug 25ft x 55ft x an average of 6ft deep. The finished pool would measure 20ft x 50ft x 5ft deep (average). How many square yards of dirt must be removed from the lawn?How much would it cost the Shaw family for dirt removal at $46 a cubic yard (nearest cubic yard)? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Converting cubic inches to ounces |
2008-01-22 |
kim pose la question : I am trying to find the formula to figure capacity in ounces for the following:
a rectangle 18" long, .75" wide, .75" deep ....
This is for an art project and the cost estimate. Thanks, Kim Penny Nom lui répond. |
Constructing a pool |
2008-01-15 |
Scott pose la question : what it the cubic yards needed for this pool.
It is 14ft. X 28ft. and 6 inches thick. It is 3.5ft. deep on the shallow end and 6ft. deep at the deep end. Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Volume in cubic feet |
2007-12-20 |
kim pose la question : if i have the inches and need to convert them to cubic feet, how do i do that? i thought it was height X width X length. Penny Nom lui répond. |
What size room would I need for 220 cubic feet? |
2007-12-18 |
Andy pose la question : What size room would I need for 220 cubic feet? What is the calculation I would use to find the answer to this problem? Penny Nom lui répond. |
How many gallons are in the tank? |
2007-12-03 |
bobby pose la question : my tank holds 740 gallons and the dimensions are 8 ft tall and 4 ft diameter the wine is 3 ft 7.5 inches from the top can you figure out how many gallons are in the tank ? Penny Nom lui répond. |
How many cubic feet are in this box? |
2007-11-26 |
Julio pose la question : My son has a box that measures 27X18X19 inches. We want to know how many cubic feet are in this box. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cubic feet and gallons |
2007-11-19 |
Leonard pose la question : Every conversion I find to convert a cubic foot to a gallon is in liquid.
Question, how would 1 cubic foot convert to gallons in dry measurement?
Example say you have 1 Gallon of packing peanuts how many cubic feet would that be?
I can do this and have done it for the heck of it, I took a box 12x12x12 inches, which is a cubic foot,
filled it with packing peanuts the tried to fill a 1 Gallon container, that amount almost fills a 1 gallon
bucket twice.
I even ask a math teacher and was told that 1 cubic foot equaled 7.481 gallons,
then I said that is liquid, teacher ansered yes, then i ask what about dry and got
a response of I do not know. Harley Weston lui répond. |
How do i convert milliliters to grams for water and also for copper sulfate (CuSO4)? |
2007-11-11 |
jenn pose la question : how do i convert milliliters to grams for
water and also for copper sulfate (CuSO4)? Harley Weston lui répond. |
Cubic centimeters to cubic yards |
2007-11-10 |
Logan pose la question : if i have 188.4cm^3 of concrete how do i change it into cubic yards? Penny Nom lui répond. |
What is the rent? |
2007-10-26 |
Mark pose la question : Rent was $1.00 per cubic yard. Dimensions were 36 feet by 200 feet by 12 feet high. What is the rent Penny Nom lui répond. |
How many cubic yards of dirt do I need? |
2007-10-16 |
BELINDA pose la question : I need to fill an area of 30,000 square feet with dirt that is 18" in height. How many cubic yards of dirt do I need to do this? Penny Nom lui répond. |
20 tubes of concrete |
2007-10-14 |
Fred pose la question : I have 20 8” concrete tubes to fill with 8'of concrete.
How much concrete will I need to order Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
8x^3 + 4x -3 |
2007-10-02 |
Indrajit pose la question : 8x^3 + 4x -3 Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
400 square yards of sidewalk |
2007-09-27 |
Vanessa pose la question : I am having a small problem being a subcontractor
I'll having trouble calculating how much concrete it will take to pour a 400 square yard sidewalk 5' wide 4" depth can you show me the equation to figure out how many yards of concrete i will need. Can you help me please?
Thank you very much and have a wonderful day. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cubic meters, square feet and office space |
2007-09-25 |
Kathryn pose la question : Can someone please help and let me know how do you convert 11 cubic meters into square footage? Steve La Rocque and Harley Weston lui répond. |
How much water to fill my bedroom? |
2007-09-22 |
hector pose la question : how can i find out how much water i can fill my bedroom with when it measures 12 ft.x12 ft.x10 ft. Steve La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond. |
What is the inverse function of y=x^3 +x? |
2007-09-19 |
saman pose la question : what is the inverse function of y=x^3 +x Harley Weston lui répond. |
How do I determine how many tons, 15 yards of top soil is? |
2007-09-18 |
Terry pose la question : One company is selling topsoil by the yard and another by the ton,
how do I determine how many tons, 15 yards of top soil is? Penny Nom lui répond. |
How much space we are talking about when they say 500 cf? |
2007-09-11 |
Rhonda pose la question : I was informed while planning a move that the moving company will
allow 500 cubic feet of moving space. Anything over that is $5.99 per cf.
How do I find out exactly how much space we are talking about when
they say 500 cf ?? Thank-you in advance for the advice. Stephen la Rocque lui répond. |
Liquid in a pipe |
2007-09-05 |
christian pose la question : how many cubic feet are in a pipe that is 3" (inside diameter) and 459 feet long? Stephen la Rocque lui répond. |
How many cubic yards of concrete? |
2007-08-31 |
Teresa pose la question : How many cubic yards of concrete are required for the structure with a bottom piece that is 8" high by 72" by 72", a side that is 8" by 72" by 60", another side that is 8" by 72" by 60 ", a side that is 8" by 72" by 60" with a circle cut out that has a radius of 18", and finally another side that is 8" by 72" by 60" that has a circle cut out that has a radius of 12". Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
How many cubic feet in a cubic yard? |
2007-08-25 |
George pose la question : How many cubic feet in a cubic yard? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
How much would 3 yards of stone cost? |
2007-08-21 |
Sue pose la question : If it costs $13.50 a ton of 3/4" stone, how much would 3 yards of stone cost? Steve La Rocque lui répond. |
I want to fill the hole up with dirt |
2007-08-19 |
Roger pose la question : I have an 18 foot round hole which is 16 inches deep. I want to fill the hole up with dirt. How much dirt do I need to fill the hole?? Penny Nom lui répond. |
How many dusters are required? |
2007-08-19 |
SUSAN pose la question : I have a roof that is 40,000 sq. ft. x 3 in. thick. I'd like to know how many 20 yard dumpster it would take to tear the roof off Harley Weston lui répond. |
How do I find out how much cubic meters will spread over meter squared area? |
2007-08-16 |
Derek pose la question : How do I find out how much cubic meters will spread over meter squared area? Penny Nom lui répond. |
(x^3)-(4x^2)+(4x)=0 |
2007-08-15 |
Amanda pose la question : solve.
(x^3)-(4x^2)+(4x)=0 Leeanne Boehm lui répond. |
Cubic polynomials |
2007-08-14 |
Jalon pose la question : The cubic function f(x) = (x+2)^3 touches the x axis only once at x = -2 (negative two). it could also be written as f(x) = (x+2)(x+2)(x+2)
Investigate the cubic functions below as well as the one above and comment clearlt and fully on where they touch/intersect the x axis, and how these points relate to the given function.
a) f(x) = (x – 3)(x +4)(x – 2)
b) f(x) = x(x + 1)^2 (^2 = that means it squared)
Your comments should reference graphs illustrating your conclusions and display another 2 trinomial graphs that demonstrate your conclusions. particular attention should be given to the number of times your function crosses or touches the X axis.
i dont know how this works but could you send the answer to..... spongy_91@hotmail.com Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
A pile of soil that is 284' around and 12' high |
2007-07-26 |
bev pose la question : I have a pile of soil that is 284' around and 12' high. I need to know how many yards are in that pile. And then how do I convert that to cubic yards Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cubic metres of topsoil |
2007-07-25 |
Laurie pose la question : How do I convert cubic meters to square meters? Harley Weston lui répond. |
How many ounces in 782 cubic centimetres? |
2007-07-03 |
wilma pose la question : how many ounces in 782cubic centimetres Penny Nom lui répond. |
A sand base for a pool |
2007-07-01 |
Clark pose la question : I am adding sand for a base for a pool. It is 20' round and I would like the sand
to be 2" deep. Can you tell me how many cubic feet that would be?
Thanks! Harley Weston lui répond. |
A cubic yard of gravel |
2007-06-24 |
Duncan pose la question : I'm trying to figure out how much area 1 cubic yard of gravel would cover at a depth of 2 inches? I've asked around and have many different answers. Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
New wood siding |
2007-06-20 |
Angela pose la question : I have a trailer that is 14x70 and I took off the wood siding that was about 8 feet tall. They want $8.60 a cubic yard.
How many cubic yards do I have and how much will it cost me. Thanks to all! Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond. |
Making a box with a particular volume |
2007-06-20 |
Kimberly pose la question : How do you convert 487 cf into box? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
A round pool |
2007-06-12 |
Gene pose la question : How many yards of concrete to put a 28' round pool...it is to be 4 inches deep Penny Nom lui répond. |
Yards of top soil |
2007-06-06 |
Cristina pose la question : How many yards of top soil do I need in a area of 2000 square feet with 18" depth. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Converting units |
2007-06-01 |
SAMANTHA pose la question : My hot tub is 61 square feet, how many gallons would it be? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Cubic inches and square feet |
2007-05-31 |
keith pose la question : is it possible to convert cubic inches to square feet.thanx Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
A bag of concrete |
2007-05-29 |
rick pose la question : I have a bag of concrete that will cover .525 cubic feet of space.
How many square feet will the same bag cover? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Mulch price comparison (price per cubic yard versus price per cubic foot) |
2007-05-23 |
Dianna pose la question : This is a 2-fold question. I am getting some mulch that is measured in 1 cubic yard for $25.00.
Walmart has a 2 cubic bag for $3.00. I need to cover a 376 sq ft area. I need to know which is
the best deal and how much I need to buy to cover the 376 sq ft. Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Edging surrounding a round pool |
2007-05-03 |
Carol pose la question : Hello,
I am new at this and very rusty on my math. I am getting a 24 Ft. round pool and would like to put 2ft width stone (small) edging around it. How much would I need to buy. I have to buy it by the yard (cubic yard) I am not looking for an exact, just an approx. even would be great.
Carol Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Yards of sand in a ton |
2007-04-09 |
Teresa pose la question : how many yards of sand are in a ton and how many yards of limestone does it take to make a ton Penny Nom lui répond. |
How much gravel do I need |
2007-03-31 |
linda pose la question : how much gravel do I need for 254 square feet to be 4 inches deep? Penny Nom lui répond. |
How many yards of gravel do I need? |
2007-03-28 |
Joel pose la question : I am constructing a French drain 100 feet long x 6 inches wide by 18 inches deep. Within this trench will be a 4" diameter pipe which will be surrounded by washed gravel. How many yards of gravel do I need? Thanks! Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Square metres, cubic metres and timber |
2007-03-15 |
remy pose la question : our timber is in square meter , our supplier is using cubic meter,
how do I convert from cubic meter to square meter.
Many thanks
remy Harley Weston lui répond. |
x^3 - 3kx + 1 = 0 |
2007-03-11 |
Sandra pose la question : Show that x^3 - 3kx + 1 = 0 does not have two distinct roots when k < 0. Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond. |
A steel pipe pile |
2007-03-08 |
Sean pose la question : Need to fill a 18" OD x 60 feet steel pipe pile with a wall thickness of 1/2" What is the amount of concrete I need in order to fill? Thank you Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
How many yards of concrete? |
2007-02-28 |
jeremy pose la question : I need to figure how many yards of concrete to use. I work for an asphalt company, and we are expanding into concrete. Currently we measure everything in sq. ft. So we came up with 6,960 sq ft of concrete to remove and replace. Currently there is 6" of concrete, and 2" of bedding material. We would like to replace only 4.5" of concrete, the rest in bedding. Here is how I figured, am I correct. 6,960 Sq ft (to simplify I made the Sq ft 350 X 20 ) 350 ft X 20 ft X .33 (1/3 ft or 4") = 2,310 cubic feet 2,310 cb ft / 27 = 85.55 cubic yards Is this correct? Penny Nom lui répond. |
How many cubic yards can my truck hold? |
2007-02-25 |
Mike pose la question : If I have a dump truck that has a box that is 14' long sides that are 3.5' high and the width is 7.5' wide... how do I figure out how many cubic yards this truck can hold? Steve La Rocque, Penny Nom and Melanie Tyrer lui répond. |
A concrete foundation |
2007-02-15 |
Jeremy pose la question : BiltWEll Construction needs to create a concrete foundation. 5ft deep measuring 60ft by 32ft, outside dimensions, with walls 7in. How many cubic yards of concrete will they need? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cubic inches |
2007-02-13 |
Renee pose la question : a glass has a height of 3 inches and a radius of 2 inches. about how many cubic inches of fwater will the glass hold? and how do you figure the answer? thank you...................renee Gabriel Potter and Melanie Tyrer lui répond. |
Cubic yards |
2007-02-06 |
Mark pose la question : I have a pile of dirt that is 200ft long, 40ft wide, and 25ft high. How do I figure out how many cubic yards? Thanks Mark Penny Nom lui répond. |
Yardage of dirt fill |
2007-02-02 |
Gene pose la question : I am removing dirt then replacing it with good dirt. I need to know how many yards of fill dirt it would take to fill a diameter 165 feet with fill of 13 ft would take how many cubic yards of dirt. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Price of topsoil |
2007-02-02 |
Tyler pose la question : I need to convert cubic yards to square feet. I have topsoil that is $34.30 a cubic yard and I need to know what the price is in square feet. The depth is 18". Penny Nom lui répond. |
Square meters and cubic meters |
2007-01-30 |
Fiel pose la question : How do i convert square meter to cubic meter? Penny Nom lui répond. |
A lumber yard receives 24 studs in a bundle |
2007-01-23 |
Roxanne pose la question : A lumber yard receives 24 studs in a bundle that contains 25 row (or layers) of studs with 20 studs in each row. A 2X4 stus ia actually 1 1/2'' X 3 1/2'' X 92 5/8 Find the cross sectional area of a bindle in square inches Find the volume of the bundle in cubic feet Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
The volume of a pool |
2007-01-23 |
Steve pose la question : how do we measure the cubic feet of a pool. The pool is 50 feet long by 40 feet wide by 4 feet at the shallow end and 9 feet at the deep end. Penny Nom lui répond. |
How do you calculate cubic feet from inches? |
2007-01-17 |
Sue pose la question : How do you calculate cubic feet from inches: 8 1/2 X 11 sheet of paper that is 3/4 inches thick? Steve La Rocque and Haley Ess lui répond. |
A circle of concrete |
2007-01-16 |
JoAnn pose la question : Help ! I need to know of many yards of concrete to order for a 14' circle - and 4" thick. Thanks ! Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Calculating "yards" |
2007-01-13 |
Donny pose la question : I want to learn how to figure out how many tons and yard are needed to do driveways and parking lots. OK from what I've read on the net i think its length width=square feet . i think i get that but i can figure out how to do the height . i understand a 6in would be 0.5 but how bout if its 2ins or 4 in . how do I put the the fraction in to working form. Penny Nom lui répond. |
The volume of a box in cubic yards |
2007-01-11 |
Robert pose la question : i have a box 44inch high 16foot long on top and 8 foot long on the bottom 5foot wide how do i find the cubic yards Penny Nom lui répond. |
I want to convert milliliters into grams. |
2006-12-14 |
Kenchotenzin pose la question : I want to convert milliliters into grams. Penny Nom lui répond. |
The volume of a box |
2006-11-16 |
Sam pose la question : I have this box to mail and i would like to find out the cubic foot of the box.The W-52 -D-13- H- 37 inch cubic Penny Nom lui répond. |
Converting cubic meters to gallons and liters |
2006-11-16 |
Lorne pose la question : I have a large tank and I would like to know the formula for the conversion. And do you have any other info on web sites that have conversion tools as most of the tools are in u.s and I live in Canada and need the metric conversions. Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Yards of concrete |
2006-11-15 |
Tina pose la question : How many yards of concrete to cover a 20 x 100 area 4 inches deep? Penny Nom lui répond. |
A container to hold 600 gallons of water |
2006-11-07 |
Cissy pose la question : What size rectangular tank would I need to hold about 500-600 gallons of water. Penny Nom lui répond. |
How many yards of dirt would it take to raise 1 acre 200 feet? |
2006-11-06 |
Larry pose la question : how many yards of dirt would it take to raise 1 acre 200 feet? Larry lui répond. |
How many 1 square 3/8 thick pieces of steel can you get from one cubic foot of steel? |
2006-10-12 |
Jana pose la question : How many 1 square 3/8 thick pieces of steel can you get from one cubic foot of steel? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Filling a swimming pool |
2006-10-04 |
Jon pose la question : what would be the formula to fill a swimming pool in with dirt that is 15ft wide,36ft long and is 8ft deep to 3ft deep Penny Nom lui répond. |
X^1/3-X^1/9=60 |
2006-09-26 |
Harini pose la question : I need the answer for
The value of X in X^1/3-X^1/9=60. Penny Nom lui répond. |
We need to know how many cubic yards of concrete to order for the job. |
2006-09-25 |
Linda pose la question : We are pouring an additional drive way and shop in our back yard. The total square foot of all the concrete is 1200 and the concrete will be 3" deep. We need to know how many cubic yards of concrete to order for the job. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Sqyare yards and cubic yards |
2006-09-21 |
Cubic yards of sand |
2006-09-20 |
Michael pose la question : How many compacted cubic yards of sand are there in 40 acres of land at a depth of 20 feet? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
A hexagonal concrete form |
2006-09-09 |
Lewis pose la question : How many cubic yards of cement will be required to fill a hexagonal concrete form with equal 12 foot sides that will be 3 feet thick? Penny Nom lui répond. |
How much cement would I need? |
2006-09-07 |
Lou pose la question : At a five to one mix how much sand/gravel and how much cement would I need for a 71/2 yard pour?
What formula would I use for this calculation. My sand/gravel is in a cone shaped pile and I know how to calculate that. I need to know if I have enough and how many bags of cement I need to buy. I will be using a engine operated cement mixer Harley Weston lui répond. |
Cubic feet |
2006-09-06 |
Tom pose la question : How do I calculate cubic feet ? What is the formula? Penny Nom lui répond. |
A concrete floor |
2006-08-27 |
Cecelia pose la question : We are going to pour a concrete floor for a porch and would like to know how many yards of concrete it would take.
The measurement is-----32 feet long and 6 feet wide with a depth of 5 inches. Could you tell me how to figure this or how many yards I will need so I will have an idea of the cost. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cubic yards of trash |
2006-08-23 |
Chris pose la question :
I am journalist in California trying to convert cubic yards of trash (appliances, furniture, tires and household trash) into the space of a football field.
Is there a formula for this?
For example, how much of an American football field would 45,000 cubic yards of said trash fill up? The typical American football field I am told is 120 yards (110 meters) long by 53 1/2 yards (49 meters) wide
Ideally, I'd like to be about to say this amount of trash would fill up the football field XX-feet deep
Penny Nom lui répond. |
I am pouring cement |
2006-08-22 |
David pose la question :
8FT. X 8FT. X 5 1/2 INCHES.
Penny Nom lui répond. |
How many cubic yards of soil is needed |
2006-08-16 |
John pose la question : how many cubic yards of soil is needed to cover 750 square feet at a height of 3 inches? Penny Nom lui répond. |
A concrete semicircle |
2006-08-15 |
John pose la question : I have to figure out how many yards of concrete I need for a semicircle. I have a radius of 21 feet and the concrete is 4" thick. I took 3.14 x (21)^2 then divided by 40 to get how many yards of concrete but that doesn't seem right. Penny Nom lui répond. |
54x14x8 at $28.00 per cubic foot |
2006-07-24 |
Toi pose la question : How much would it cost if I had an item that was 54x14x8 and it was $28.00 per cubic foot? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Cement for a large patio |
2006-07-13 |
Jim pose la question : I have a 60' by 100' patio. I am wanting to raise it 1 foot. The truck carrying the cement can only hold 10 cubic yards. How many truck loads would I need? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Concrete for a porch |
2006-07-04 |
Sherry pose la question : I'm having a porch,the measurement is 3in.deepx10ft.wide x52ft.long how many yards is that i need? the concrete truck wont deliver unless it 5yards or more. Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
How many bags will it take to cover the area? |
2006-06-14 |
Ken pose la question : I have area of 160 sq ft. I want to put mulch in the area 2 inches thick. The bag of mulch comes with 2 cu ft of mulch per bag. How many bags will it take to cover the area? Penny Nom lui répond. |
I have a trench to fill with concrete |
2006-06-11 |
A builder pose la question : i have a trench to fill with concrete the size is [57 feet long .x 18 inches wide. x 39 inches high.]would like to know how much concrete should i order. Penny Nom lui répond. |
The volume of a roll |
2006-06-09 |
Yogesh pose la question : I have a roll which height is 63 inches & width is 11 inches i want to know that how to calculate the cubic meter of this roll Penny Nom lui répond. |
How many yards will I need? |
2006-06-06 |
Melba pose la question : I'm am trying going to put mulch around the tree in my front yard. I am going for 6" deep and 4069.44 sq. in. around.
How many yards of dirt will I need? Penny Nom lui répond. |
what is the cubic feet of 18... |
2006-05-27 |
A student pose la question : what is the cubic feet of 18"x18"x24"? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cubic yards of sand |
2006-05-26 |
Steve pose la question : I need to cover an area with sand that is 30 feet wide and 60 feet long and I need the depth of the sand to be 1/4 inch thick. How many cubic yards of sand will I need? Penny Nom lui répond. |
A concrete driveway |
2006-05-21 |
Diane pose la question : I am trying to estimate how many cubic yards of concrete I will need to pave my driveway. I have an area that is 30 ft wide by 25 ft long and then goes into an area that is 10 ft wide by 219 foot long. I would like to make this 4 inches thick. How many cubic yards of concrete will it take to do this? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Landscaping |
2006-05-11 |
How many gallons in a cubic foot? |
2006-04-24 |
Jana pose la question : How many gallons in a cubic foot? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Cubic yards of landscape stone |
2006-04-19 |
Janet pose la question : I need to spread landscape stone around my pool. A landscaper said I need 16 yards. What is the area of a cubic yard if I want the stone 3" deep? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
A 20 foot container |
2006-04-05 |
Karen pose la question : can you tell me how many cubic square meters are in a 20 foot container Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Cubic yards of concrete |
2006-03-21 |
Shane pose la question : I need to know how many cubic yards of concrete is needed for a 4" thick driveway and 18' wide and 27' long. What formula do I need to use? Penny lui répond. |
Quarts, liters cubic yards and soil |
2006-03-19 |
Kathy pose la question : I am trying to find out how many quarts of dirt there are in a yard of dirt. The local flower store sells bags of dirt that are 20 quarts or 22 liters for $1.25 and another store sells a yard of dirt for $25.00. Which is the better deal? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Building a flower bed |
2006-03-17 |
Bobby pose la question : I am building a flower bed 60 ft long by 8 ft wide by 3 ft deep. How much dirt will it take to fill it with top soil/dirt. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Adding a cellar |
2006-03-14 |
Spencer pose la question :
You want to add a cellar to your store. The construction company told you it would cost $5.90 per cubic yard to dig the cellar plus $20.00 per square ft. to finish it.
How much will it cost to add a cellar 36 feet long, 14 feet wide, and 8 feet deep?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Cubic yards of dirt |
2006-03-12 |
Gordon pose la question : I have an area 40 ft. by 6 ft. in my front yard I want mound over and plant shrubs. How many yards of dirt will I need to do this? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cubic feet to cubic yards |
2006-03-12 |
Sandy pose la question : We need to convert feet to cubic yards. The concrete is 45ft by 10ft by 4ft. How many cubic yards is this? Penny Nom lui répond. |
The volume of a freezer |
2006-03-11 |
Marsha pose la question : I have a stand up freezer that measures 2ft deep, 23 inches wide, and 44.5 inches in height. I multiplied them (2x23x44.5) and came up with 2047. I guess my question is, when you look at an ad for this item, they always say 17, 14, or 19 cubic feet. How do they (and I) come up with a number like that? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Factors of a cubic |
2006-03-08 |
Skye pose la question : Show that (x+2) is a factor of f(x) where:
f(x) = px3 + (4p+2)x2 + (5p+4)x + 2p
Find the range of values for which the equation f(x) = 0 has 3 distinct real roots Penny Nom lui répond. |
Volume |
2006-03-02 |
Irene pose la question : how do you find the volume in cubic units. i need the basic formula to help my child. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Potting soil |
2006-02-17 |
Cheryl pose la question : I need to buy some potting soil for a raised planting bed that is 6'x24'x1'. How do you figure how many 2 cu. ft. bags of potting soil that I will need? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
One acre 20 feet deep |
2006-02-16 |
Bob pose la question : How many cubic yards of material are in one acre of land approximately 20 feet deep? What is the approximate weight of one cubic yard of Black dirt, Gravel, and Sand? Penny Nom lui répond. |
A concrete slab |
2006-02-13 |
Cheryl pose la question : A concrete area that will be used for picnic benches will measure 20 ft on each side. The concrete slab will be 8 inches deep. How many cubic feet of concrete will be needed to construct the patio? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Concrete in a foundation |
2006-02-08 |
Philippe pose la question : Can you please help me determine how many cubic yard of concrete I need to purchase for a foundation that is 50' by 25.5 by 8' height and how many cubic yard would I need for the slab that is 50' by 25.5 by 0.5 Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cubic yards of dirt |
2006-01-28 |
Greg pose la question : How many yards of dirt do i need to cover an area of 1000 ft long, 20 ft wide and 3 inches deep Penny Nom lui répond. |
I need to order sand for playgrounds |
2006-01-18 |
Jody pose la question : I need to order sand for playgrounds. I have their square footage and the various depths of sand needed for each, but sand comes in tons.
What is the formula for converting square footage and depth to tons (for example: 6 inches of sand needed for a 200sq ft area = how many tons?) Penny Nom lui répond. |
Concrete tubes |
2006-01-14 |
Paul pose la question : I have 15 tubes. Each tube measures 12in.x 48in. I have to fill each one with concrete. How do I figure how many cubic yards of concrete I will need? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cubic yards of fill |
2005-12-23 |
Mike pose la question : And I have a question in regards to the amount of fill needed to bring a vacant lot up to "grade level".
The lot is 112' x 87' and I need to bring in fill to elevate the finished level up 4'. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cubic metres to cords |
2005-12-22 |
Duncan pose la question : I have a quote of $2.95 per cubic metre of roundwood but I need the conversion equation to convert the above to a $ per cord. Penny Nom lui répond. |
A concrete patio |
2005-12-06 |
Anne pose la question : If you are making a concrete patio 4 inches thick, what is the area of the largest patio you could make if you ordered 2 cubic yards of concrete? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Gallons and cubic feet |
2005-11-19 |
Just interested pose la question : I have found that 1 cubic foot will hold 7.48 gallons of gasoline, but I would like to know how to come by this answer. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cubic feet and cubic yards |
2005-11-12 |
Mike pose la question : I need to know how to calculate square feet into yards of material. Example: 1320 sq. ft. surface area by 1 in. depth. What does this equal in cubic feet and yards. Thanks for any help you can give me. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cubic yards of concrete |
2005-11-06 |
Cyndi pose la question : I have a carport that is 20' x 31' and a driveway that is 12' x 18' that requires a 3" depth of concrete.
I need to now how many cubic yard it will need to complete these two areas. Penny lui répond. |
How many cubic yards of dirt will be needed? |
2005-10-27 |
Mike pose la question : We are filling in a hole left by the removal of an aboveground pool that was dug into the ground. The diameter is 25' across and the depth is 5'. I wondered how many cubic yards of dirt will be needed to fill this hole. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cubic feet and imperial gallons |
2005-10-27 |
Dave pose la question : What is the volume in cubic feet which is occupied by 1080 Canadian gallons of water? Harley Weston lui répond. |
How many cubic feet are in 8 yards? |
2005-10-20 |
Neisha pose la question : I am trying to figure out how many cubic feet are in 8 yards. I am trying to pour a concrete slab. The width is 24 ft, lenth is 30 ft, and it is 4 inches thick Penny Nom lui répond. |
How many gallons will it hold? |
2005-10-16 |
Scott pose la question : I am building a pond and need to convert the cubic dimensions into gallons in order to know what size fountain pump to purchase.
My pond is 1 foot deep x eight feet long x three feet wide.
How many gallons will it hold? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cubic yards is in a box trailer |
2005-09-20 |
barbara pose la question : i need to know how many cubic yards is in a box trailer that is 96" wide 13' 6" high and 40" long Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cubic yards of topsoil |
2005-09-08 |
Ken pose la question : How many cubic yards of topsoil would there be on 100 acres of land if you averaged a 2' depth of material. Penny Nom lui répond. |
The volume of soil needed to fill a planter |
2005-08-10 |
Phil pose la question : I need to calculate the volume of soil needed to fill a planter box that measures - 880mm W x 6080mm L x 900mm D. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cubic feet |
2005-08-10 |
Selene pose la question : This is my math question I need to convert these inches to cubic feet
34"W x 34"H x 34"L Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cubic yards of sand |
2005-08-04 |
Beth pose la question : I am trying to figure out how much sand I will need for ground cover under my children's playset. The area to cover is 30' x 30' and I want 4 inches of sand. Penny Nom lui répond. |
A concrete slab |
2005-07-29 |
Armand pose la question : I am
planning to pour a concrete slab over an existing slab in my garage
which is very uneven, with a depth variation from 2 1/2 inches to 5 1/2
inches from level. I'm afraid to over estimate concrete since it will be
wasted but worse, I'm afraid to underestimate. I've broken the slab down
into four sections with the following being the four dimensions, can you
tell me how much concrete I will need please, I would very much
appreciate your help.
1- 6ft/8in x 20ft x 4 1/2 in. thick
2- 16ft/10in. x 20ft x 3 1/2 in. thick
3- 6ft/6in. x 16in. x 5 1/2 in. thick
4- 6ft/6in. x 8ft. x 4in. thick
Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cubic feet in a mobile home |
2005-07-22 |
Jeanne pose la question : my mobile home is 24 x 56. I'm trying to find out how many cubic feet this is. I'm going to set of some bug bombs and it says 1 can will cover 4000 cubic feet. I don't know how to figure my cubic feet. the ceilings are 8 ft high everywhere but the living and dining room. They are vaulted and approximately 10 feet at the peak. I just need an estimate. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cubic yards of topsoil |
2005-07-12 |
Maggie pose la question : How much topsoil in cubic yards i need to order to cover 7500sq. ft. 3 inches deep? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Discriminant |
2005-06-20 |
A student pose la question : If a quadratic has real root, its discriminant b2-4ac>=0 Is there any similar condition or method by which you can find whether roots of a cubic equation are real or not? Chris Fisher lui répond. |
Digging a hole for a pool |
2005-06-08 |
Debra pose la question : I need to have dirt hauled away from my built in pool and the haulers are asking me how many yards of dirt there is. How would I figure that out? It is a 24 ft round pool and 3 inches of soil depth was dug out. Penny lui répond. |
Square feet and cubic feet |
2005-05-30 |
Kim pose la question : Is there a relationship between square feet and cubic feet? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cubic feet of concrete |
2005-05-23 |
Robert pose la question :
Penny Nom lui répond. |
How many cubic feet in a yard? |
2005-05-13 |
Carol pose la question : How do you measure a cubic foot? How many cubic feet in a yard? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cubic yards of sand |
2005-04-27 |
Renee pose la question : I need to find out how much sand I would need to order for the base of a horse round pen. The pen is 40 ft across and I would like a depth of 4 inches. I have to order the sand in cubic yards. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Gallons in a tank |
2005-04-02 |
Jim pose la question : Would you be so kind as to help me with a problem? My memory has failed me in remembering how to calculate how much liquid in gallons a tank will hold. The tank is 8 feet long and 44 inches in diameter. Penny Nom lui répond. |
An asphalt driveway |
2005-04-02 |
Bob pose la question : I'm trying to convert square
feet to cubic yard.
I have an asphalt drive way I'd like to replace with concrete. Concrete
is sold by the cubic yard and I keep telling myself that their must be an easy
conversion table out there somewhere.
My driveway is 18 feet wide and 47 feet long with a proposed depth of 4
inches. Penny Nom lui répond. |
The cost of concrete |
2005-03-08 |
Cathy pose la question : Compute the cost of ready mixed concrete for a driveway 70ft long, 10ft wide, 3 inches deep at a cost of $30.00 per cubic yard Penny lui répond. |
I need to fill an area with rock |
2005-03-04 |
Kelly pose la question : if I need to fill an area with rock that is 64 feet long by 4 feet wide and 1 foot 2 inches in depth
how many tons of rock will this job require?
it is also sold by cubic yard how many of these cubic yards will I need? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cubic feet and feet |
2005-02-25 |
Nancy pose la question : How do you convert cubic
feet into feet?
The problem is to convert 90 cubic feet into feet. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Factoring a cubic |
2005-02-20 |
Abraham pose la question : How would you factor completely,
x3-x2+5x-5? Claude Tardif lui répond. |
Cubic yards of dirt |
2004-12-28 |
Stephen pose la question : How many cubic feet or yards of dirt would be required to cover a 5 acre tract of land to a depth of 10 feet of compacted dirt? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Volume of a box |
2004-11-18 |
Catherine pose la question : I need to find a formula to calculate the amount of liquid would hold. maybe the volume or something. its a square box used to hold liquid on a farm . we want to measure how much liquid it can hold. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cubic yards of concrete |
2004-09-29 |
Tanya pose la question : We are starting up a new business and for the business we will be required to order concrete for various shapes. Right now we have a job that requires a concrete slab that a decagon it is 140-3/4" from flat side to flat side, 74" from point to center and each flat side is 46" The pad should be 4" thick with 12"x12" continuous footing. Harley Weston lui répond. |
Volume |
2004-09-16 |
Jonathan pose la question : I have an area of 22ft x 43 ft, 6 inches high
Sq. ft..946
sq. yds...105.1
What is the cubic feet and cubic yards for this dimension. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cubic yards |
2004-09-01 |
Garnet pose la question : I have the dimensions of 16 feet by 10 ft and 3 1/2 inches deep how much concrete do I need. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cubic meters |
2004-08-31 |
Brad pose la question : I have a 10' x 10' x 12" area & need to find the cubic meters, how do I do this? Penny Nom lui répond. |
15 cubic yards of dirt |
2004-08-22 |
Barry pose la question : My question...what is the equivalent of 15 cubic yards of dirt? Penny Nom lui répond. |
130 cc. is ? |
2004-08-20 |
Ayrn pose la question : 130 cc. is ?
I have to put 130cc. of petroleum in a bucket how much exactly is that?
Also 110 cc.?
I have to also put 110cc. wood alcohol in a bucket aswell! Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cubic yards of dirt |
2004-08-11 |
A parent pose la question : How many cubic yards of dirt would it take to fill an area that is 325 feet by 325 feet and is 3 feet deep? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Combien de litre y a t'il dans un M3 |
2004-07-30 |
Un eleve pose la question : j'aimerais savoir combien de litre y a t'il dans un M3. car je dois mettre un produit spécial dans une piscine. Claude Tardif lui répond. |
Cubic yards |
2004-07-12 |
A homeowner pose la question : I would like to know how many cubic yards are in the following; 20 ft wide x 80 ft long x 4 inches thick?
I am trying to figure out how much concrete I will need to pour for a driveway. Penny Nom lui répond. |
A garden space |
2004-06-16 |
Carol pose la question : We have a 17' x 19' garden space. If we want it a foot high raised bed, how many cubic yards of topsoil do we need? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cubic yards in a pool |
2004-05-30 |
Jerry pose la question : HAVE A AREA WHERE I HAD A 18 FOOT ROUND POOL.
Penny Mon lui répond. |
Yards in a concrete driveway |
2004-04-27 |
Bobbi pose la question : I am wondering how many yards of cement I need for a 49 by 45 area, 5 inches thick. I am a stay at home mom who is not very good at math and I want to pave my drive way. Also what would the yardage be for a 6 inch thick drive way with the same area. Penny Nom lui répond. |
425 cc's of a saline solution |
2004-03-30 |
Julie pose la question : 425 cc's of a saline solution is equal to how much in lbs-weight?? Harley Weston lui répond. |
Gallons in a cylinder |
2004-02-20 |
Jim pose la question : Please advise how to use the formula I saw for determining the number of gallons in a cylinder? This is how it was written
V = pi r2 h
. does this mean pie, or 3.14 X radius squared, X the height? If so please use a standard 55 gal barrel (1' R & 3' H) for example? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Ounces into cubic centimeters |
2004-01-27 |
A student pose la question : how do you convert ounces into cubic centimeters? Ex: how does 12 oz. change into cc. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cubic yards in a concrete wall |
2004-01-18 |
Danny pose la question : I am studing for my contractors exam. I am haveing truble with a few questions. I have the answer to the problems but I dont know how to get them my self. please help
How many cu. Yds. Of concrete are in a wall that is 150' long and 8'4" high an d 8' thick Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cubic furlongs |
2004-01-11 |
A student pose la question : 1 mile=8 furlongs, how many cubic furlongs in a cubic mile? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cubic yards of concrete |
2003-11-02 |
John pose la question : The foundation is 20' X 20' and the depth is 6", there are also three footings that are 20' X 12" X 12" each. Can you show me the equation to figure out how many yards of concrete I will need to pour the footings and foundation. Harley Weston lui répond. |
Water in a tank |
2003-09-02 |
A parent pose la question : if a tank is 48 inches long 14 inches wide and 18 inches deep if a yardstick was inserted into the tank and measured 2 inches of water in the tank how many gallons of water would be in the tank. Penny Nom lui répond. |
How many cubic yards must I purchase? |
2003-08-29 |
Walt pose la question :
I am trying to determine how much top soil I must purchase (by the yard). The area is 80' x 15' and I want it 3" thick. How many cubic yards must I purchase? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Yards and cubic feet |
2003-08-11 |
Sonya pose la question : How many cubic feet are in a yard? Penny Nom lui répond. |
"cubic feet" of a refrigerator |
2003-07-16 |
Ron pose la question :
Is the volume of a home appliance (e.g. fridge or freezer) calculated in a different way? I am planning to replace both my fridge and my freezer but I'm unable to determine what size replacement to get. For example, one company descibes their fridge as being 32"(L) x 30"(W) x 66" (H). I converted those measurements to feet (2.67 x 2.5 x 5.5) and I calculate the fridge to be 36.7 cubic feet. However, the company says the fridge is 18 cf. Chris Fisher lui répond. |
How much soil will be removed? |
2003-07-02 |
Amy pose la question : My site is 1230' (east-west) by 1300' (north-south) and we need to remove 2 feet of soil from the entire site, how much soil will be removed? Penny Nom lui répond. |
The weight of a fish tank |
2003-05-20 |
A ponderer pose la question : I had a question pertaining conversion units..I have a fish tank at home and the dimensions are 24, 44, and 48 inches, I want to find out how much it weighs in pounds when filled up with water...knowing water is 62.4 pounds per cubic feet...do I just divide the 62.4 pounds to 12 because I"m trying to find out through cubic inches. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Gallons of rain |
2003-04-25 |
Jocelyn pose la question : If you have a surface of 6500 square feet and 1 inch of rain falls on the surface, how many gallons of water does this equal? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Density |
2003-02-19 |
Rob pose la question : What is the formula for converting cubic feet to pounds? (with any substance) Penny Nom lui répond. |
Filling in the back yard with dirt |
2003-02-04 |
Joe pose la question :
We just bought a house and need to start filling in the back yard with dirt to level it out. I measure 37'x 56' by 2' deep on an angle. I will be building a retaining wall at the 2' deep portion. The slop will go from the 2' to nothing at the top or near the house. I can't remember how to get the Sq. foot or cubic yards. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cubic yards in a gravel pile |
2003-01-10 |
Ron pose la question : I am looking to find a way to measure gravel piles to get yards. They are generaly not square.it would be like pouring sand out of a bag into a pile. they generaly are concave in dimension. can you help. I have attached a picture to show a small scale what I am working on is in much larger volume. Harley Weston lui répond. |
Factoring a cubic |
2002-12-05 |
Dorota pose la question : I got a problem with factorise the expression 2x3+11x2-5x-50. Penny Nom lui répond. |
The dimensions of a box |
2002-12-03 |
Paula pose la question : My son, who is in secondary school, needs to make a box with the inside dimensions of 1.25 cubic feet. It's supposed to be more in the shape of a rectangle than a square. I would like to know the equation to use to find the inside dimensions of a box if I know how many cubic feet (or inches) I need the inside to be. Penny Nom lui répond. |
A cubic |
2002-11-18 |
Jessica pose la question : "For what values of the constant p does f have 3 distinct real roots?" The function is f(x)= x3 - 6x2 + p, where p is an arbitrary constant. Claude Tardif and Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cubic centimeters |
2002-11-07 |
Rita pose la question : Was in emergency room yesterday-MD aspirated 40cc of fluid from my knee--what does a "cc" equate to? Penny Nom lui répond. |
How many cubic feet are in a cubic mile? |
2002-08-30 |
William pose la question : How many cubic feet are in a cubic mile? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cubic yards of concrete |
2002-08-24 |
Michael pose la question : if you have a 10" dia pipe 8' long how many cubic yards would it take to fill with concrete. how how would you go about figuring it out. and also if you would how many cubic feet, cubic inches in a cubic yard. i know you don't need to answer, seeing i am not in school, but would appreaciate it. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Gallons in a cylindrical tube |
2002-08-21 |
Heidi pose la question : IF I HAVE A 12" DIA TUBE WITH 1/4" WALL AND 72" IN LENGTH HOW MANY GALLONS OF WATER WILL THIS HOLD Penny Nom lui répond. |
A box that holds 22.4 liters |
2002-07-07 |
Jon pose la question : How do I find the measurements required to make a box that holds 22.4 liters of something? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Ounces and cubic centimeters |
2002-05-30 |
Martin pose la question : How many ounces are in 600cc of liquid? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cubic feet and cubic yards |
2002-05-27 |
John pose la question : how do you find the cubic feet/cubic yard of area 10 feet wide by 15 ft long by 2 inches high Penny Nom lui répond. |
A 6,000 gallon tank |
2002-04-28 |
Someone with a big tank pose la question : I was wondering if you can find out information about how much liquid fuel can fit in a 6,000 GAL. tank. Right now I do not have the exact dimensions of this tank but I will have it the 29th of April. Could you please E-mail me and let me know if you can answer this question after I have the correct specifications. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cubic yards |
2002-04-20 |
Pat pose la question : I HAVE AN AREA 10'x6'I WOULD LIKE TO PUT LOAM ON IT 5" DEEP HOW MANY CUBIC YARDS OF LOAM DO I NEED? Harley Weston lui répond. |
How many gallons of water in a cubic foot? |
2002-04-14 |
Richard pose la question : I am tring to find out how many gallons of water in a cubic foot. Penny Nom lui répond. |
My 1978 Chevy has a 350 cubic inch engine |
2002-03-11 |
Sharon pose la question : If my 1978 Chevy has a 350 cubic inch engine, about what size engine would that be in liter? Penny Nom lui répond. |
A cubic |
2001-11-10 |
Louise pose la question : x3 + 9x2 - 7x - 63 Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cubic feet |
2001-02-20 |
Frances pose la question : I'm trying to calculate cubic feet from the dimensions of a machine given in inches. Width = 32" Height = 79.5" Length = 91.5" Weight = 3920 lbs Please help? Obviously I've been away from school too long!! Penny Nom lui répond. |
Square feet and cubic feet |
2001-01-21 |
Jenny pose la question : How do I convert square feet to cubic feet? If I have 2000 square feet then how many cubic feet do I have? Harley Weston lui répond. |
Factoring a cubic |
2000-10-31 |
A student pose la question : Factor Completely 18p3 - 51p2 - 135p Paul Betts and Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cubic yards and cubic feet |
2000-08-26 |
Rhonda pose la question : have 2.47 cubic yards. what could the dimensions, in feet, be to equal this? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Graphing cube roots |
2000-04-27 |
Heather Jones pose la question : What do the graphs of cube roots look like? Walter Whiteley lui répond. |
Solving a cubic equation |
1999-12-30 |
Natalia pose la question : How can I solve: 2 x3 - x2 + x - 2 = 0 ??? Penny Nom lui répond. |
The three cousins |
1999-06-01 |
Irena pose la question : I have three cousins on my dad's side. The product of their ages is 84. Next year the youngest will be 1/4 the age of the middle cousin. In 2 years from now, the oldest will be twice the current age of the middle. What is the age of my oldest cousin? Harley Weston lui répond. |
Question about 3rd degree polynomials |
1999-04-23 |
Patrick Bryan pose la question : What is the general solution to the equation with the form: a*x^3 + b*x^2 + c*x + d = 0 I have once seen a solution to this a few years ago, but I do not recall if it was a general solution. What I do know, is that you could simplify this equation to: a*x'^3 + p*x' + q = 0... Doug Farenick lui répond. |
Volume of a cube. |
1999-04-04 |
Alex Elkins pose la question : How do you find the volume cubic matter of a cube or space, example how many cubic feet in an example 6" high 4' X 6' rectangle Thank You Penny Nom lui répond. |
Factoring polynomials |
1999-03-29 |
Karen pose la question : I have been unable to factorise a polynomial equation and was wondering if you could please help. It is level (10-12) maths. The polynomial is x3 + x2 - 24x + 36 I have tried a few factorisation methods such as foctorisation by grouping but it won't work this polynomial. Please help. Jeff Walters and Jack LeSage lui répond. |
Cubic feet and gallons |
1999-03-26 |
Karen Coheley pose la question : How many gallons in a cubic ft. ?? Harley Weston lui répond. |
Metric Conversion |
1999-03-07 |
TDestra pose la question : Please help to answer this question: Is a cubic centimeter equivalent to milligrams or milliliters, and how many? Also, is it a liquid measure? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Polynomials |
1997-10-07 |
Sheryl and Jeff pose la question : I'm a math teacher in Jerusalem, Israel. I'm teaching about graphing polynomial functions in a pre-calc class. A student asked me what they're good for. I couldn't give her a good example. Do you have one. Thanks. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cardano's method |
1996-03-11 |
Mike Gorski pose la question : What is Cardano's method for finding the roots of a cubic equation? Harley Weston lui répond. |