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Dilemmes & doutes
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5 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
Constants and coefficients 2010-03-12
lourdes pose la question :
identify the coefficients, constant term(s), and like terms of the expression.
8x + 9 - 3x
17 - 2a + 5a - 1
7m - 7 + 6m - 6
-10 -15r -22r + 8

Penny Nom lui répond.
Constants, and coeficiants 2009-01-10
Kelsey pose la question :
I am having trouble trying to remember what like terms, constants, and coeficiants are. My math teacher hasent been explaining it very well and i was wondering how to remember what they are, and what they are? I dont understand the concepts.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Coefficients, Like Terms, and Constants 2008-08-14
Maddie pose la question :
How Would I Answer This Problem?

  Coefficients Like Terms Constants

I Would Really Appreciate It If You Could Help Me

Penny Nom lui répond.
Degree 2006-02-09
Jessica pose la question :
I am a 9th grade home school student and have started doing degrees of terms in my math book. The following is some examples they give:

25a to the 4th power is a 4th degree term

67c to the 9th power is a 9th degree term

x is really x to the 1st power so it is a 1st degree term

10 is really 10x to the 0 power so it is a 0 degree term

They go on to say that every constant is a zero degree term.

My question is why isn't a constant, like 10, simply to the 1st power (making is a 1st degree term) like x.

Claude Tardif lui répond.
Coefficients, constants and like terms 2005-10-05
Elizabeth pose la question :
In the equation -8y+6ab+7-3ab what are the coefficients; the like terms and constants?
Penny lui répond.



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