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4 carpenters can build 8 houses in 10 days. 2016-04-05
Kenneth pose la question :

Here is my question:

4 carpenters can build 8 houses in 10 days. 2 carpenters can build how many houses in 15 days?

Here is one solution:

The number of houses built is jointly proportional to the number of carpenters and the number of days. So h = kcd where k is a constant. Substituting the given: 8 = k*40, so k = 1/5. Our formula is then h = cd/5. I'm not sure how to determine whether or not one unit is jointly proportional to any other unit.

However, if 2 carpenters are unknown as in 4 carpenters can build 8 houses in 10 days. How many carpenters can build 6 houses in 15 days? What is the solution using this method? And likewise, if days are unknown, as in 4 carpenters can build 8 houses in 10 days. 2 carpenters can build 6 houses in how many days?

I thank you for your assistance.

Penny Nom lui répond.



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