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components of vectors

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Vectors 2019-09-06
Kayla pose la question :
Hi! Due to time constraint issues, we skipped vectors in Pre-Calc last year. However, I'm attempting to complete my AP Physics summer homework and there are 3 problems with vectors. As I explained, I have no idea even where to begin and as such I need some help.

Problem 1:
A plane flying at 90° at 45 m/s is blown toward 0° at 62 m/s by a strong wind. Find the plane's resultant velocity. I have tried all sorts of online calculators but none are providing me with a formula I can use to solve this problem on my own.

Problem 2:
If you walk 367 m North and 785 m West what is your total displacement from your original location?
What is the problem asking for when it says displacement?

Problem 3:
A plane travels on a heading of 127.0° at a velocity of 25 km/hr. What are the horizontal and vertical components of the plane's velocity? As you know already, I have never done vectors so I don't know what horizontal and vertical components of velocity are.

Thank you So Much for your help!! I am struggling!!

- Kayla

Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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