Zamyiah pose la question : how does 3/8 turn into 0.375 i just don't understand it the question is hard. please answer in time thank you for your time. Penny Nom lui répond.
Ruth pose la question : what does the 0 represent in .018 versus the decimal .180? As in, changing these to fractions? Thank you. Penny Nom lui répond.
Lisa pose la question : Isn't 1/3 written as a decimal .33? My son informs me I'm wrong, but doesn't know the answer
Chris Fisher and Penny Nom lui répond.
A parent pose la question : I'm trying to help my son work with turning fractions into decimals and this seems foreigh to me after 20 years of not being in school. Can you give me a few illustrations and/or examples of how to do that?? Penny Nom lui répond.
Kavoos Bybordi pose la question : I dont know how to change a reccuring decimal to a fraction please could you tell me the method. Penny Nom lui répond.
Mike Chan pose la question : I have read the section Repeating Decimals in your data base. It mention that 1/17 has at most only 16 repeating digits. But, why does "pi" have an infinite number of digits (and not repeating ). Penny Nom lui répond.
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Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.