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8 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
Three collinear points 2014-08-28
jhanavi pose la question :
p,q,r are three collinear points.p and q are(3,4) and (7,7) respectively and PR is equal to 10 units.find coordinates of R
Penny Nom lui répond.
A trig problem 2014-04-25
srishti pose la question :
Consider the points P= (-sin(a-b),-cosa), Q=(cos(a-b),sina), R=(cos(a-b+c),sin(a-c), where 0
Chris Fisher lui répond.
A geometry word problem 2013-01-24
Matthew pose la question :
"G", "A" and "B" are collinear. "A" is between "G" and "B". "GA" Is 14 less than 3 times "AB". "GB"=46 Find "GA"

How would you solve this?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Collinear 2008-09-08
Patrick pose la question :
On page 17 of my son's 9th grade math book Geometry by Jurgensen, Brown, and Jurgensen (copyright 2004), the authors state from the diagram that you can conclude the points A, B, and C are collinear. In the diagram, the points A, B, and C appear to be situated on a straight line; however, nothing in the diagram states that it is a straight line. I told him that you can't conclude they are collinear because angle ABC could be 179.9 degrees instead of 180 degrees since nothing in the diagram states otherwise. His teacher marked his answer incorrect on a test but I still believe that I am correct. How do conclude points are collinear if nothing tells you that they are situated on a line?
Harley Weston lui répond.
collinear points 2007-10-26
Carl pose la question :
the points H,S,D,K,L, and B are collinear.

point L and B are not between any other labeled points on the line.

Penny Nom lui répond.
What is the angle between 2 non-collinear parallel lines? 2005-10-17
Ben pose la question :
What is the angle (if any) between 2 non-collinear parallel lines?
Chris Fisher and Walter Whiteley lui répond.
Collinear Points 2003-01-13
Gary pose la question :

Which of the 4 points are collinear when you construct the following concurrent lines or rays of a triangle?

  1. P(1), the point where the angle bisectors intersect.
  2. P(2), the point where the altitudes (or extensions) intersect (inside or outside of the triangle).
  3. P(3), the point where the medians intersect.
  4. P(4), the point where the perpendicular bisectors (or extensions) of the three sides of a triangle intersect.

This is for my 9-12 high school class in geometry.
My name is Gary

Thanks for your help.

Harley Weston and Chris Fisher lui répond.
How many intersections? 1997-10-08
James pose la question :
(a) A collection of eight points, no three collinear. If lines are drawn between each pair of these points, how many points of intersection would there be?

(b) what would your answer have been in part (a) if there had been n points to start with?
Chris Fisher lui répond.




Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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