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Un article trouvé pour ce sujet.
Coconuts and Monkeys 2006-05-08
Meadow pose la question :
5 sailors plan to divide a pile of coconuts among themselves in the morning. During the night, one of them decides to take his share. After throwing a coconut to a monkey to make the division come out even he takes 1/5 of the pile. The other four sailors repeat this procedure, each throwing a coconut to the monkey and taking 1/5 of the remaining coconuts. In the morning the 5 sailors throw a coconut to the monkey, and divide the remaining coconuts into 5 equal piles. What is the minimum number of coconuts that could have been in the pile originally?
Paul Betts lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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