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circular track

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5 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
Running around a circular track 2020-10-31
kaylee pose la question :
Keiko and Kendra are training for an international track competition. Kendra is running one lap on the outside of a circular track with a diameter of 1000 feet. Her constant rate of speed is 12 mi/h. Keiko is running one lap on the outside of a nearby circular track with a diameter of 1125 feet. She is also running at 12 mi/h. Find the time, in minutes, each runner needs to complete one lap.
Harley Weston lui répond.
Running around a circular track in opposite directions 2019-02-24
carmi pose la question :
how many times will lita and rose pass each other in 15 minutes if lita and rose start jogging on a 110 meters circular track. they begin at the same point but in opposite direction. lita at 8/3 meters per second and rose at 7/3 meters per second.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Amy and Joey on a circular track 2018-08-13
Zoe pose la question :
Amy and Joey are situated on a circular track 400 feet around.
Joey starts running at a rate of 10 feet per second.
Amy waits for a full minute, then starts running from the same point (in the same direction) at 12 feet per second.

How many seconds elapse before Amy passes Joey on the track?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Two cars on a circular track 2010-08-12
david pose la question :
If two cars starts to drive at point 1 and go in a circle when will they meet? (one cars speed is faster the other ) all I need is a formula
Tyler Wood lui répond.
Jogging around a circular track 2008-11-19
kim pose la question :
Joan wants to jog 10 miles on a circular track 1/4 miles in diameter. How many times must she circle the track?
Penny Nom lui répond.



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