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circular arc

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4 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
The area of a lot 2022-12-31
Brian pose la question :
To calculate lot size, do you use arc length or chord length? Lot Survey shows: Length 1 = 120.0' Length 2 = 120.0' Width 1 = 61.0' Width 2 = ARC Length 125.58' / CHORD Length 124.10' / Radius = 236.0'
Harley lui répond.
An arched window 2017-07-24
Gerry pose la question :
Looking to make a full size template for an arched window. Need increments every 16". The radius is 138' 0 9/16" , the chord is 226" and the rise at center of chord is 43"
Penny Nom lui répond.
Heights at various points along an arc 2016-04-15
Isiah pose la question :
So I am working on a problem with a few friends; you have an arc with the center of its chord at 0,0. We also have a known sagitta and a known radius of curvature. How do we calculate the height extending in both the positive and negative directions?
Central sag: 2.48
Chord length: 9.6

Penny Nom lui répond.
The radius of a circular arc 2008-02-04
Bill pose la question :
Hi,the Central Angle of a sector of a circle is 40 degrees. The circular arc of the curve has a chord length of 3000 ft. Find the radius(r) of the circular arc.
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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