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7 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
More on infinity and Set Theory 2009-02-17
Justin pose la question :
I greatly appreciate your help I was just wondering from your previous answer, why doesn't Cantor's cardinal numbers in set theory apply to the limit x->0, y=infinity?


Robert Dawson lui répond.
Infinity and Set Theory 2009-02-17
Justin pose la question :
I was just wondering is the limit x->0, y=1/x=infinity, the biggest uncountable infinity according to Cantor's cardinal numbers in set theory?


Robert Dawson lui répond.
Cantor's cardinality 2009-02-16
Justin pose la question :
Hello, I was just wondering why the infinity from real numbers is smaller than Beth Two in the context of Cantor's cardinality set theory?


Robert Dawson lui répond.
Cantor's diagonal argument 2008-01-26
David pose la question :
Cantor's theory using a diagonal across a list of real numbers to proven uncoutability has always puzzled me.First in base ten, it feels like hocus pocus so I began thinking of the Boolean numbers as truer representations of place value (on,off). Secondly his list was always arbitrary or so I recollect. Therefore, I suggested using a seriesA=.10000....,B=.01000. C=.11000, etc. Any diagonal is already located among the numbers listed. My only alteration is that since the final digit is always unrepresentably either one or zero, but it must be one or the other, I make an assumption that if x= .abc...1 and y= .abc...2 the only two possibilities and I choose to count F=x+y then then the numbers are countable= Z=sumFi,where I=2+2^2+2^3...

I hope this sketch is enough description, I asked Rudy Rucker more formally but got no mathematical response, someone else gave me some tale about slippery epsilon. What do tyou think of recasting his proofs in more rigorous form? David French

Claude Tardif and Walter Whiteley lui répond.
Countable and uncountable sets 2007-07-24
Mac pose la question :
Hi, i tried to read few webpages related to the countably infinite and uncountable sets. Even i read few questions from this forum.

But i am not convinced with this explanation. If you have any good book that explains this in layman term, please redirect me to that.
1) Can you please explain what is the difference between these too ?
2) How could you say set of Natural number and set of even numbers are countably infinite ?
N={1,2,3,...} and Even= {2,4,6,...}
When an element in the even set is some 2n, we will map it to 'n'.So now we have a bigger number(2n) right ?
Sorry, i didn't understand that.

Can you please help me out to understand that ?

Harley Weston lui répond.
Different infinities 2004-05-27
Plober pose la question :
How can I explain to a friend (in a bar, using as a pen and a paper napkin) that the integer's infinity is 'smaller' than the irrationals's one? The demo I tried was that you couldn't match the integers with the real numbers between 0 and 1 (that 0.xxxxx replacing the Nth number from a different one... that demo), but she used my argument >:| saying that you can add one to the integer's infinite, and the number I was creating was only one more...

I can't think of any other way, and I KNOW the real's cardinality is greater than the integer's one

Claude Tardif and Penny Nom lui répond.
What is larger than infinity? 2003-01-12
Dana pose la question :
What is larger than infinity?
Claude Tardif and Harley Weston lui répond.



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