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4 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
Barrels of oil 2014-04-16
daryl pose la question :
Looking for an accurate number to use when calculating barrels per inch in a a tank with the following dimensions:
Nominal diameter - 15'-6", nominal height - 16ft, nominal capacity - 500 barrels. These are commonly referred to as 500x16 tanks.
Currently we are using 2.6 barrels per inch. We need 180 barrels for a full load so I'm trying to figure out how many total inches I need to load 180 bbl. This has been a matter of debate for some time. Thanks for your help.

Harley Weston lui répond.
How many barrels of liquid will it hold? 2007-09-28
Jason pose la question :
A tank is 8' wide by 8' tall x 45' long. How many barrels of liquid will it hold??
Stephen La Rocque and Harley Weston lui répond.
How many barrels would this container hold per inch? 2007-03-10
LaDonna pose la question :
My container is 50" across and 40.5' ft. long. I believe it would hold 140 barrels. If measuring, how many barrels would this container hold per inch?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Barrels of oil in a tank 2006-01-09
Francis pose la question :
How many barrels of oil (42 gallons of oil in one oil tank) would there be in an oil tank that was 15 feet tall and 10 feet across?
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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