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6 teams

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4 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
A schedule for 16 teams 2015-10-14
Ellen pose la question :
I will have 16 teams. I would like to figure out how I can have 4 groups of 4 teams playing in hour increments, but never meeting more than once. How do I accomplish this? Thank you so much for any help you can give to me. .
Victoria West lui répond.
A 6 team sports schedule 2014-08-02
Daniela pose la question :

My husband and I are volunteering at our church's Jrs camp and we were given the task of making the schedule for sports. There will be 6 teams and a total of 3 games for two days. We would like for every team to play each other but we cannot figure it out. Pls help!


Victoria West lui répond.
A schedule for 6 teams and 37 games 2012-08-29
Giovanni pose la question :
Hello, i try to prepare a schedules for 6 teams, and every teams will play 37 games before the playoff. How to make a schedules? thanks
Victoria West lui répond.
Six teams, two sites, and four days 2009-05-08
John pose la question :
I have six teams, two sites, and four days. We have decided that we want to have tri-meets, where there would be three teams competing against each other at the same site each day. Here is the problem, I need to make sure that each team sees each other team at least once and each team goes to each site at least once.
Victoria West lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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