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5 foot strip

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A 5 foot strip around a building 2009-08-20
Robert pose la question :
I am having a problem at work that I am hoping someone can help me figure out. I have a pest control company and we are pretreating the soil for a new hospital being built. The company that we are working has asked to also treat a 5 foot strip around the entire building and for us to get paid we need to figure out what the square footage of this 5 foot strip around the building that we are treating. The structure being built is a hospital and as you can imagine the building has all kinds of nooks and offsets and even some of the wall are cruved more like a circle. I already know the square footage of the building itself because they gave us this information. The square footage of the building is 120,000 SqFt. I would greatly appreciate if someone can help me figure out the square footage of a 5 foot strip around a 120,000 SqFt building who's walls have a lot of insets and odd shapes. I don't if someone can figure out the square footage of the 5 foot strip with the information I gave. I would greatly appreciate any help that you can give me. I need this information for work because we charge for pretreatment of soil by the square footage of the area to be treated and I need this information so that I don't over charge the company we are working for or so I don't cheat myself either. Any and all help we be greatly appreciated because I don't know who else that can help me.
Victoria West lui répond.



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