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0.99999... 2002-09-26
Erica pose la question :
Yesterday in my 8th grade math class we were being taught how to convert a Repeating Decimal into a fraction. Since I, for some odd reason, seem to understand math better than the rest of my classmates, i began to drown out my teachers explaination for the rule. While she was about half way through with explaining mixed decimals i came up with an unsolvable question. Like I said before, I understand how to turn a repeating decimal into a fraction, but how would I turn a repeating .9 into a fraction? We all know it would equal 9/9, but doesn't 9 over 9 also equal 1? Even though it comes very close to one, it never really equals one. I'm very confused about this and i would love it if you could clear this up for me.
Penny Nom lui répond.



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