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A truncated, square-based pyramid 2014-11-23
Hannah pose la question :
A designer vase has the shape of a truncated, square-based pyramid. The base of the vase is a square with a side length of 15 cm. The area of the square opening is 70.56 cm2. Each of the four sides is a trapezium with slant sides 9 cm long. Find (to the nearest square centimetre) the total surface area of the vase.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Doubling the dimensions of a cone 2014-11-21
Hannah pose la question :
If the volume of a cone of height 10 cm is 261.8 cm3, show that this volume is increased by a factor of 8 if the dimensions of the cone are doubled.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Two quadratic equations 2014-11-20
rajesh pose la question :
I would like to discuss on question-
-Find the value of variable X and Y, equations are

Sir, my point is equation looks not so easy.My opinion is there many (more than 4)value possible for both X and Y.
Kindly help me.
Waiting for your response.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Factorise 15x + 15y 2014-11-20
Jordan pose la question :
hi i saw a question in class today that i didn't understand and i didn't really understand what my teacher was going on about so how do you factorise 15x + 15y
Robert Dawson and Penny Nom lui répond.
An arithmetic progression 2014-11-19
Gbenga pose la question :
In an A.P the difference between 8th and 4th term is 20. The 8th term is 1\2 times the 4th term . Find arithmetic progression..
Penny Nom lui répond.
Two ships 2014-11-18
Laura pose la question :
7. A ship leaves its home port and sails on a bearing of N28.17°E. Another ship leaves the same port at the same time and sails on a bearing of S61.83E. If the first ship sails at 24 mph and the second at 28 mph find the distance between the two ships after 4 hours.
Robert Dawson lui répond.
An age related word problem 2014-11-18
Cole pose la question :
Susan and Russell are brother and sister. Susan says that in two years she will be twice Russell's current age. Russell says that he's only three years younger than Susan. How old is each of the siblings?
Penny Nom lui répond.
How many square feet in 10 gallons of liquid at 1/4 in thick? 2014-11-14
Rich pose la question :
How many square feet in 10 gallons of liquid at 1/4 in thick
Penny Nom lui répond.
(x-3)^2-(x+3)^2 2014-11-13
Bernice pose la question :
Penny Nom lui répond.
1/6k=-11 2014-11-13
Marty pose la question :
Using the balance method, what is the answer to 1/6k=-11, trying to find what k equals. Thanks
Penny Nom lui répond.
An irregular convex octagon 2014-11-13
james pose la question :
I have an irregular convex octagon, alternating between 4 large edges, say 'a' mm long and 4 small edges, say 'b' mm long, is there a formula available so that I can work out the minimum size sit a circle with a radius of 34.25mm inside it thank you
Chris Fisher lui répond.
The cube root of 729 2014-11-12
Alexis pose la question :
What would be the square root of 729 to the third power and could you explain how to get the answer?
Penny Nom lui répond.
What is -3 squared? 2014-11-12
Christine pose la question :
On a math test, it said "What is -3 squared?" It did NOT say "What's is (-3)squared"

The teacher's explanation is that if there are no brackets or parenthesis, you ALWAYS square the number first then do the negative, so the answer should be -9, but I can't find anywhere that confirms this.

Help please.

Robert Dawson lui répond.
Some geometry problems 2014-11-07
Maria pose la question :
Hi there,
My name is Maria and I'm a student in Ireland.
Can you pleeeease help me with questions 1 to 4 on the attached file. I'm really stuck:

Penny Nom lui répond.
The area of a pentagon 2014-11-04
Gracie pose la question :
i really need help with this problem in my math book, will you help?

"Derrick drew regular pentagon with side lengths of 8 centimeters. He divided the pentagon into 5 identical triangles, and measured the height of one of the triangles to be 5.5 centimeters. Find the area of the pentagon."

this really makes no sense to me. Can you help me with anything to make it easier?


Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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