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A motorbike race 2015-01-25
Pramegh pose la question :
In a motorbike race of 75 km, the winner completes the race with a lead of 300 meters and 8 seconds before the second rider. Considering the riders ride with an average speed, find the difference between their speeds with which they completed the race.
(Calculate up to 2 decimal places)

Penny Nom lui répond.
Two concentric circles 2015-01-25
nazneen pose la question :
select the correct answer from the given four options

given are two concentric circles. radii of outer circle & inner circle are r1 & r2 respectively. the areas of inner circle & shaded ring are equal. the radii r1 & r2 are related by?

1. r1 = r2
2. r1 = r2*square root 2
3. r1 = r2*square root 3
4. r1 = 2r2

Penny Nom lui répond.
sin x = cos x 2015-01-23
Mubashir pose la question :
there are two curves y=sinx and y=cosx intersecting at point where x is less than 90 and greater than 0.to find the point I made a equation sinx=cosx but donot know what to do further .please help me by solving this equation sinx=cosx also tell me that have you solved this equation by reference to the graph or by other means please do elaborate your solution in your answer.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A schedule for observing our peers 2015-01-23
Jennifer pose la question :
I am a sales trainer. Each month we need to observe one of our peers and give feedback. What this means is every month, not only am I observing someone, but someone is also observing me. For example, in January, Amy observes Tracy, Tracy observes Rachel, Rachel observes Ryan, and so on. The last person would then observe Amy, bringing it full circle. There are 10 trainers on my team. How do I set it up to where each trainer observes another trainer only once over the course of the year (and in return, each trainer is only being observed once by each person)? I know they will eventually repeat but would that start in the 10th month?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
A schedule for 5 employees working 2 at a time 2015-01-23
Cynthia pose la question :
We have 5 employees and need only 2 to work on Saturdays. what is the best way to fairly schedule everyone. PS. from time to time a sixth person will be thrown in to make things really interesting.
Victoria West lui répond.
Mary gave her sister 5/8 of her nuts 2015-01-22
Valence pose la question :
Mary gave her sister 5/8 of her nuts. Her sister gave her friend 2/3 of the amount, and her cousin 1/3 of the remainder. If Mary's sister had 50 nuts left, how many nuts had Mary.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Scheduling meetings with pairs of people 2015-01-22
Jacey pose la question :
I am trying to figure out a formula/system to pair up a list of people so they meet with each other every month, but they rotate who they meet with. Right now I have 13 people and I would like to just type in their names and then have the system put each person with someone else every month and rotate so no one gets the same person twice. Can this be done?
Victoria West lui répond.
The game of 24 2015-01-21
aaron pose la question :
24 game whants me to use 11 14 5 and 9 to make 24 allowed (+ - dividing and multiplying)
Penny Nom lui répond.
Math in the universe 2015-01-21
GA pose la question :
I want to find out examples in universe for this equation:
sin(x)/cos(x)=1 or tan(x)=1. I know the mathematical answer of pie/4 or 45 degree angle.

What I need to know is to find examples of this. I found an example in construction, for example, which is the shape of attic in the house.

I want to find examples in universe like in solar system, in quasars or jets coming out of them, in galaxies, in stars, in black holes, etc

Do you know of any such examples?

Robert Dawson lui répond.
The volume of a swimming pool 2015-01-21
kirara pose la question :
Find the volume of water in a swimming pool with vertical ends and sides. The length measured at the water line is 50 ft. And the breadth is 20 ft. The bottom of the swimming pool is a plane sloping gradually downward so that the depth of the water at one end is 4 ft. And at the other end is 8 ft.
Penny Nom lui répond.
1,4,9,61,52,___ 2015-01-21
Mubashir pose la question :
1,4,9,61,,52,___,84,___,18,1,121,___ please tell me its formula and also that rule that is being applied here like adding 3 or subtracting 5 etc.
Walter Whiteley lui répond.
The height of a building 2015-01-20
Emily pose la question :
A man 2m high observes the angle of elevation to the top of the building to be 70 degrees. And the angle of depression to the bottom of the building to be 19 degrees. How tall is the building?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Two cars 2015-01-18
taylor pose la question :
two cars leave the park at the same time, one traveling north at a speed 10 mph faster than the other which is traveling south. after 3 hours the cars are 420 miles apart. find the speed of both cars
Penny Nom lui répond.
Pumping water from a borehole 2015-01-18
patience pose la question :
An empty tank for storing water from a borehole has a volume of 480 cubic metres. If it is filled by a pump that pumps water at a rate of 16 litres per second, how many hours will it take the pump to fill this tank please show all calculations
Penny Nom lui répond.
1 + cot x divided by sin x + cos x 2015-01-15
Torrie pose la question :
I need to solve this problem in terms of Sin, but I'm having trouble. 1 + cot x divided by sin x + cos x
Robert Dawson and Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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