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Smith, Rodriguez and Jones 1996-11-07
Rafayel Ambartsumyan pose la question :
On a train, Smith, Rodriguez, Jones are the fireman, brakeman, and engineer, but not in that order. Also aboard the train are three businessman who have the same names, a Mr. Smith, a Mr. Rodriguez, and a Mr. Jones. ..... Who is the engineer?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Height of a Hotel 1996-11-07
Irene pose la question :
"Irene" is to determine the # of floors in a hotel 500 feet up the street. Irene is on the 10th floor of an office building and can measure the angle of elevation to the top of the hotel, 57 degrees. Her view of the entire building is obstructed. If the street rises at an angle of 8 degrees from the office building to the hotel and the average distance between floors is 11 feet, how many floors are on the hotel?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Common Area of two sectors. 1996-11-06
Lynda Mow pose la question :
How do I find the area common to two intersecting circles of radii 8 ft and 10 ft if their common chord is 10 ft long?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Priority of operations 1996-11-04
Wallace pose la question :
What is the answer to this problem? Let x=-2 and y=3. Evaluate 12x / 2y (if the old division sign is used).
Chris Fisher lui répond.
Approximating pi. 1996-11-04
Ben Dixon pose la question :
How do you calculate Pi? Do you have to somehow combine the equation for a circle with the formula for the circumference?
Chris Fisher lui répond.
Approximating roots. 1996-11-04
Ben Dixon pose la question :
How do you calculate a square root? eg the square root of 2.

There is obviously some sort of successive approximation type algorithm for doing it to however many decimal places is required, but what is the algorithm?
Harley Weston lui répond.

The diameter of the sun. 1996-10-29
Lynda Mow pose la question :
What is the process for solving the following question? As viewed from earth, the sun subtends an angle of approx 32'. If the sun is 93,000,000 miles from earth, find the diameter of the sun.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A tangent to a circle is perpendicular to the radius at the point of contact. 1996-10-22
Rita Leung pose la question :
I wonder if there is any proof for this theorem - A tangent to a circle is perpendicular to the radius at the point of contact. If there is any proof for that, can you tell me please?
Chris Fisher and Harley Weston lui répond.
Could you tell me the name for the bar in a division problem? 1996-10-21
Linda pose la question :
Could you tell me the name for the bar in a division problem. Not the line with dots on either side but the line that divides the two numbers? My name is Linda. I am asking for my niece who is in 8th grade.
Chris Fisher lui répond.
What is the volume of a regular tetrahedron? 1996-10-21
Paul Bleier pose la question :
How does one calculate the volume and the height of a three sided pyramid formed by equilateral triangles?
Bruce Gilligan lui répond.
How many digits are there in 2^2520? 1996-10-07
Rita Leung pose la question :
A)The number 64 is a sq., a cube, and a sixth power because 64=8*8, 4*4*4, 2*2*2*2*2*2. Find the smallest integer greater than 1 that is a sq., a cube, a 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th power. I have found that the answer is 2 to the power 2520th.
B) How many digits are in the correct answer to part A? The answer is uncertain. It is either 758 or 759. Can you give me any ideas?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Why is lbs the abbreviation for pounds? 1996-10-03
Nancy Mutdosch pose la question :
What does lbs stand for? Why is it the abbreviation for pounds?
Chris Fisher lui répond.
Why is a circle divided into 360 degrees? 1996-09-30
Kurtis Kredo pose la question :
I was recently wondering why a circle has been divided in to 360 degrees. When I asked my physics teacher he could not think of an answer. His guess is that it probably has to do with people long ago using the base 6 number system. I have a small inkling that it has to do with easy conversion or usage with radians or grads.
Chris Fisher lui répond.
Divisibility of 2n choose n. 1996-09-24
Kathy Doan pose la question :
Can you prove that "2n choose n" is not divisible by 3, 5, and 7 for infinitely many n?
Penny Nom lui répond.
How many possible combinations of answers are there? 1996-09-20
David Bester pose la question :
Suppose there is a 12 question test. Each question can be answered only by true or false. Assuming that all questions are answered (i.e. none are left blank), how many possible combinations of answers are there? And what formula was used to arrive at the answer?
Denis Hanson lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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