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Billions and more! 1997-09-15
Mahabir B. Gupta pose la question :
I would like to know how you americans write the number 1 billion.

Do you say "One thousand million"..can you answer by giving me examples?

1,000,000----> 1 million
1,000,000,000---->1 billion

Why is it that in spanish it is different?
Penny Nom lui répond.

Integer Problems. 1997-09-15
Eric Kowalsky pose la question :
I have some intergers I can't solve. Please help me solve them! Please show me how you got the answer.
  1. 5(-4)-[3(-6)+(-3)-4(2(-4)-7)]+3(-8)=

  2. -2[-7-3(4)+5-2(-1)]+3(-6+8)=

  3. 4[-6(-2-7)-5(7+2)]=

  4. -7(-4)-2[-3(-4+6)+6(7-3(-4))]
P.S. Thank you very much.

Harley Weston lui répond.
The Range of a Function. 1997-09-12
Karel Marek pose la question :
Math Is Book 6 (Ebos/Tuck) question 5(b) gives a surprising answer at the back of the book..

The question is:
Indicate the domain and range for this: y = sqr(x-9) (Square root of)

The answer for the domain is x>=9 which is not surprisingly, but the range is y>=0, yER ... which I could understand if you were not allowed to transform the equation into x as the subject..

But all example on the facing page DO TRANSFORM the equation at will with x and/or y as the subject..

Can you explain this...
Chris Fisher lui répond.

Triangular Numbers. 1997-09-08
Rachel pose la question :
Show visually that the square number 16 is the sum of two triangular numbers. Which two?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Definitions 1997-09-08
SohoGirl13 pose la question :
I am an 8th grader. my e-mail address is SohoGirl13@aol.com. I have a question: what are the associative, communitive, and distributive properties?
Harley Weston lui répond.
A Finite Math Question. 1997-09-07
Angela L. pose la question :
How many three-digit numbers can be formed using only the numbers 1 to 7 if the number 2 must be included?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Prime Numbers 1997-09-04
Jack Bedard pose la question :
Hi. I have a real stupid question

What are prime numbers?

My name is Jack Bedard and I am in grade 5.
Penny Nom lui répond.

Square Root History 1997-08-29
Carlos Montecel S. pose la question :
I need find information over the "Square Root History", Could you help me?
Harley Weston lui répond.
Two Questions 1997-08-28
Faye Tan pose la question :
I am a trainee teacher. I would appreciate it very much if you could help me solve the following two problems which I think are meant for students at middle grade.

1. If a hen and a half lays an egg and a half in a day and a half, how many hens are needed to lay a dozen eggs in one day?

2. There are fewer than 200 passengers on a train. If they get off in pairs, one passenger will be without a partner. If they get off in groups of 3 or 4, there will still be one passenger left by himself. However, if they get off in groups of 5, no one will be left by themselves. How many passengers are there on the train?
Penny Nom lui répond.

The Length of a Chord. 1997-07-26
Nathan Arthur pose la question :
Picture a 9 inch diameter circle. Inside that circle is a 6 inch diameter circle tangent to it. Then, tangent to both circles is a 3 inch diameter circle. So there are three circles, two smaller ones inside a big one, all of them just touching but not overlapping.

Now picture a chord on the 9 inch circle that is created by making a line that is tangent to both the 6 and the 3 inch circles and extending it to the edge of the 9 inch circle.

I need the length of that cord.
Chris Fisher lui répond.

A Question About Pi. 1997-07-08
Mike Chan pose la question :
I have read the section Repeating Decimals in your data base. It mention that 1/17 has at most only 16 repeating digits. But, why does "pi" have an infinite number of digits (and not repeating ).
Penny Nom lui répond.
Finding the Mine 1997-06-23
Billy Law pose la question :
Tom is gold prospector. On his last trip out from town, he headed 35 degree South of West to a lake where he had lunch. The lake was 24 km out of Town. He then headed due East for 35 km before Doubling back on bearing of 15 degree South of west for 20 km to reach his mine. By converting to Cartesian coordinate before doing vector additions do the following:

a) Calculate the position of the mine from town in term of a distance and a direction.
Harley Weston lui répond.

A problem with arccos. 1997-06-09
Vanessa Chan pose la question :
Prove: arc cos4/5 + arc cos (-5/13) = arc cos (-56/65)
Harley Weston lui répond.
The angle between two tangents. 1997-06-09
Felix Ho pose la question :
Two tangents are drawn from the origin to the circle (x)(x)+(y)(y)-4x-6y+9=0. If the angle between the tangents is m, fine the value of tan(m).

P.S. (x)(x)=square x
Harley Weston lui répond.

Y-axis 1997-05-29
Leah pose la question :
I know that the proper name for the X axis is the abscissa, but, what is the proper name for the Y axis?
Chris Fisher lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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