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Cognitive development as related to learning mathematics 1999-08-04
Chris Ahlman pose la question :
I am doing an independent study for my Math theory course at Evergreen State College, WA. I am looking into teaching Math to elementary students "as a language". I need information on cognitive development to tie to this idea of language development. I only know of Piaget. There must be others who are more recent. Can you help?
Walter Whiteley lui répond.
Cleaning an Ellipse 1999-07-29
Mark Salter pose la question :
Hello hope some one can help. We need to clean an elipse and then paint it. We need to know the square foot of the job and the job is an elipse which rises 2 ft. is 12 ft wide and is 36 ft long.
Harley Weston lui répond.
Geometry 1999-07-29
Jessica pose la question :
How do you even do Geometry. Like what do you need to learn first and like a step by step plan.I realy need help I need it before school starts PLEASE!!!!!!!!!
Walter Whiteley lui répond.
A difference of squares problem. 1999-07-24
Michael and Stephanie Bixler pose la question :
If you have the equation x= n2 - m2 (ie 40= 72-32= 49-9) x must = a positive number

1) which squared numbers work as n and m
2) how does it work
3) if my teacher gave me the number for x; how could I figure out this problem
Harley Weston lui répond.

A calculus problem 1999-07-22
Nicholas Lawton pose la question :
The curve y= e^x(px^2+qx+r) is such that the tangents at x=1 and x=3 are parallel to the x-axis. the point (0,9) is on the curve. Find the values of p,q and r.
Harley Weston lui répond.
Infinity Symbol 1999-07-13
Mark E. Kelly pose la question :
There is a symbol that looks like a sideways 8 that is used to represent infinity. Does it have a name?
Doug Farenick and Penny Nom lui répond.
Standard Deviation 1999-07-11
Anthony Fama pose la question :
I have seen several answers to this question: If one standard deviation represents 68% of the population, what does two, three, four and five sigma [std deviation] represent? As stated, I have seen several different answers and thus, the impetus for my question.
Harley Weston lui répond.
The number of acres in a square mile 1999-07-09
Rita Murphy pose la question :
What is the # of acres in square mile
Harley Weston lui répond.
An Acre. 1999-07-02
Walker Runnels pose la question :
What is the outside measurements of an acre?
(ie. x ft. X x ft.)

Penny Nom lui répond.
Compound Interest 1999-07-01
Kim Palmer pose la question :
In early 1997, my son borrowed $4831 at 7.5%. He has made 30 monthly payments of $130 each. He is now in a position to pay off the balance. What is his remaining principal?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The shortest ladder 1999-06-26
Nicholas pose la question :
A vertical wall, 2.7m high, runs parallel to the wall of a house and is at a horizontal distance of 6.4m from the house. An extending ladder is placed to rest on the top B of the wall with one end C against the house and the other end, A, resting on horizontal ground. The points A, B, and C are in a vertical plane at right angles to the wall and the ladder makes an angle@, where 0<@
Harley Weston lui répond.
Scheduling Meetings 1999-06-25
Beth Carver pose la question :
We have 6 groups meeting at three different places simultaneously. The meetings take place once a month each year. Is there a way to have each group meet with each of the other groups at least twice in a year, four times in each place?
Chris Fisher and Harley Weston lui répond.
Computer use in mathematics classrooms. 1999-06-23
Rosemary Greer pose la question :
Can you give me any information, either articles or the names of books, concerning the use of computers in the math classroom?
Lillian Perivolaris lui répond.
Staying under budget. 1999-06-22
Chris pose la question :
If I had $147.69 and I had to buy 200 bannas at $.46 & 100 potatos at $.42 each how do I stay under my buget
Penny Nom lui répond.
Sin 4A 1999-06-22
Ryan Cochrane pose la question :
If sinA = 4/5, and A is a first quadrant angle, find sin4A
Harley Weston lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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