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Powers of zero 1999-10-31
Salina Young pose la question :
Hello! I have two questions to ask about the power of "0".

First, what is the value of "0' to the power of "0"? And why?

Second, what is the value of "0" to the power of "2" or '3" etc? And why?

Thank you for your help.
Walter Whiteley and Harley Weston lui répond.

Area of a circle and an inequality 1999-10-30
Adam Anderson pose la question :
I have two problems.

The first: prove that the area of a cirlce is pi times radius squared without using calculus.

The second: show that ln(x) < x - 1 for all x > 0.

Harley Weston lui répond.

A pictograph 1999-10-28
Ali pose la question :
Please tell me how to make a pictograph.I am 2 grade student.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Ben's observation 1999-10-28
Emily Nghiem and Ben Rose pose la question :
As a teacher at a school called Educere in Houston, I have a ninth-grade student who discovered the following shortcut last year as an eight-grader. What he noticed is that given any two consecutive integers (or n and n+1 for any rational number greater than or equal to 2), the difference between their squares was equal to the sum of the two numbers.

Chris Fisher and Penny Nom lui répond.
Calculating a square root 1999-10-28
Jonathan pose la question :
What is the formula for calculating a square root?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Clockwise or Counterclockwise? 1999-10-27
Tim pose la question :
A particle moves around the circle x2 + y2 = 1 with an x-velocity component dx/dt = y
  1. Find dy/dt

  2. Does the particle travel clockwise or counterclockwise around the circle? Why?

Harley Weston lui répond.
Derivatives with logs 1999-10-26
Kate pose la question :
What is the derivative of 5 to the 5x-2 at x equals 0.8?
Harley Weston lui répond.
Order of operations 1999-10-25
Garrett pose la question :
Penny Nom lui répond.
-log(a) 1999-10-22
Brenda Miskimmin pose la question :
I need to know the mercury concentration in mg/L or ng/L for the following:

-log M (Hg) = 8.5

where mw of Hg=200.59

(it's the negative sign in front of log that confuses me).
Harley Weston lui répond.

An odd number of factors 1999-10-22
Melissa pose la question :
What is the common name used for numbers that have an odd number of factors? What is the least positive integer that has exactly 13 factors?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Cutting a board into 8 equal pieces 1999-10-21
Brittany pose la question :
Jamie wanted a board cut into 8 equal pieces. The Lucas Lumber Co. charges 60 cents for cutting a board into 4 equal pieces. How much will it charge for cutting Jamie's board?
Claude Tardif lui répond.
0! + 1! + 2! + 3! + ... + 2000! 1999-10-21
Melissa pose la question :
My name is melissa. I am a 9th grade student I am having trouble finding out how to do this: What is the tens digit of 0! + 1! + 2! + 3! + ... + 2000! I know how to find these, but my calculator cant go any higher than 69! Is there any way i can do this problem?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Gravity equation 1999-10-21
Jean-Marie Le Ray pose la question :
J'ai dû traduire un texte avec la formule "gravity equation", que j'ai rendue par "équation de gravité", sans absolument savoir de quoi il s'agit. Quelqu'un sait-il si cela est juste et ce qu'est exactement une "gravity equation"?
Claude Tardif lui répond.
Going to the movies 1999-10-21
Gayla Werry pose la question :
You have $1.00 to take 100 people to the movies. It costs: 1 cent for 10 children, 3 cents for each woman, 5 cents for each man. You have to take at least one of each category of people. Your answer has to add up to exactly 100 people and exactly $1.00. How many men, women, and children can you take?
Penny Nom lui répond.
|6-2x|<4 1999-10-20
Tchilco pose la question :
Solve |6-2x|<4
Harley Weston lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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